What Skins Do U Recommend For Firmware 1.4


Active Member
Mar 29, 2006
I managed to backup the default pictures used by the gp2xmenu so i thought it's time to test out some skins.
But there are so many and i don't know which are good, readability in menus for example or that just look awesome. i also don't know if the skins fully support firmware 1.4 so the lcd thingie included not that it's that big of a deal but it would be nice

any idea's to get me started ?
donny662 posted on Apr 10 2006 at 02:24 PM said:
I see you're tootin' your own horn a bit, Telco ;) .

I couldn't resist .. too easy ;)
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aurora seems nice, it's my current pick but i'm still going through others, i'll try yours as wel telcolou.
ive made a skins directory on my sd card so that i can change skins on the fly and revert all back to normal as well using the backup images :) i only have one problem, my 2 gig sd card is already full lol
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Anhaedra posted on Apr 11 2006 at 01:04 AM said:
TelcoLou posted on Apr 10 2006 at 06:19 PM said:
Hm at here's one I just happened to stumble upon quite by accident:

Best. Skin. EVER.

But it's a windows skin... Let's see here... We're running Linux, why would we want it to be anything like windows? :P

... for the irony value man, it's all about being an enigma :)
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peetabix posted on Apr 11 2006 at 09:29 PM said:
Slightly OT, can a skin effect performance?

No, I don't think so.

@ pipa

Good taste. "Blue Poison" is my favourite skin, too.

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well i just have a skins directory on my sd card now, with blue poison, gorrila red, aurora, the macintosh skin,blueray noia, tuxntosh ,mobile thingie and my default backup skin so i can just change to either one of them on the fly. Not all those skins change everything in 1.4 doh. my personal favorite is the aurora skin, it seems to be the one that changed most files and text is very readable with it