Release pX68k


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is PX68k, a Sharp X68000 Emulator. The X68000 is a Japanese computer, and it feature some awesome arcade conversion (like R-Type, Rygar, Gradius...).

This is the Pandora version, adapted for the Pyra. It use GLES 1.1 for the display (so it use Hardware scaling).
The JoyKey button as been redirected to {X} and {B} Pyra buttons.

Needed roms are now free to distribute, so there are include in the dbp and will be extracted at first start.

Use F11 to quit or F12 for the System Menu.

History log

Build 02

  • Fixed aspect ratio being applied 2 times
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Adapted from Pandora port
  • Force screen to be 4x3 (side black borders)
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The 68K is home to one of the early ports oif Parodius Da! as well. I've only played the PC Engine port of that game so far, but I'd be interested to play the 68K version as well.
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The Emulator runs, but I don’t know how to use it, which means I’m maybe not the right person for it.. ^^
Find disk image (in "*.dim" format) and put them in the appdata/px68k/ folder.
From the emulator, use "F12" to go the menu, go to FDD0 and press enter, then enter again to go to the disk selection, choose the image (with enter), then go to up to "RESET" the system. The game should start after a short while.