Not sure to post in the correct thread..
I managed to compile Godot 3.2 but got:
IBGL: Initialising glshim
ERROR: make_dir_recursive: Method failed. Returning: err
At: core/os/dir_access.cpp:185.
Godot Engine v3.2.3.stable.custom_build -
glXCreateNewContext(0x1e71f80, 0x4081705c, 32788, (nil), 1)
libGL: built on Jul 15 2016 17:32:45
LIBGL: Current folder is:/media/mmcblk1p1/zeux/metaa/MetaStrokeTestPandora/MetaStrokeTest
glXGetProcAddress: glEdgeFlagv not found.
glX stub: glColorMaterial
glX stub: glMaterialiv
glX stub: glFeedbackBuffer
glX stub: glSelectBuffer
glX stub: glPassThrough
glX stub: glClearAccum
glXGetProcAddress: glClearIndex not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glIndexMask not found.
glX stub: glAccum
glXGetProcAddress: glEvalCoord1dv not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glEvalCoord1fv not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glEvalCoord2dv not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glEvalCoord2fv not found.
glX stub: glPixelMapfv
glX stub: glPixelMapuiv
glX stub: glPixelMapusv
glX stub: glGetClipPlane
glX stub: glGetLightiv
glX stub: glGetMaterialiv
glX stub: glGetPixelMapfv
glX stub: glGetPixelMapuiv
glX stub: glGetPixelMapusv
glX stub: glGetPolygonStipple
glX stub: glGetTexGendv
glX stub: glGetTexGeniv
glX stub: glAreTexturesResident
glX stub: glPrioritizeTextures
glX stub: glCopyTexSubImage3D
glXGetProcAddress: glMultiDrawArrays not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glMultiDrawElements not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glPointParameteri not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glPointParameteriv not found.
glX stub: glFogCoordPointer
glXGetProcAddress: glBlendColor not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glGenQueries not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glDeleteQueries not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glIsQuery not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glBeginQuery not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glEndQuery not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glGetQueryiv not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glGetQueryObjectiv not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glGetQueryObjectuiv not found.
-center -title Unable to initialize Video driver Your video card driver does not support any of the supported OpenGL versions.
Please update your drivers or if you have a very old or integrated GPU upgrade it.
it opens a window with GL4ES.. and crashes
I managed to compile Godot 3.2 but got:
IBGL: Initialising glshim
ERROR: make_dir_recursive: Method failed. Returning: err
At: core/os/dir_access.cpp:185.
Godot Engine v3.2.3.stable.custom_build -
glXCreateNewContext(0x1e71f80, 0x4081705c, 32788, (nil), 1)
libGL: built on Jul 15 2016 17:32:45
LIBGL: Current folder is:/media/mmcblk1p1/zeux/metaa/MetaStrokeTestPandora/MetaStrokeTest
glXGetProcAddress: glEdgeFlagv not found.
glX stub: glColorMaterial
glX stub: glMaterialiv
glX stub: glFeedbackBuffer
glX stub: glSelectBuffer
glX stub: glPassThrough
glX stub: glClearAccum
glXGetProcAddress: glClearIndex not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glIndexMask not found.
glX stub: glAccum
glXGetProcAddress: glEvalCoord1dv not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glEvalCoord1fv not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glEvalCoord2dv not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glEvalCoord2fv not found.
glX stub: glPixelMapfv
glX stub: glPixelMapuiv
glX stub: glPixelMapusv
glX stub: glGetClipPlane
glX stub: glGetLightiv
glX stub: glGetMaterialiv
glX stub: glGetPixelMapfv
glX stub: glGetPixelMapuiv
glX stub: glGetPixelMapusv
glX stub: glGetPolygonStipple
glX stub: glGetTexGendv
glX stub: glGetTexGeniv
glX stub: glAreTexturesResident
glX stub: glPrioritizeTextures
glX stub: glCopyTexSubImage3D
glXGetProcAddress: glMultiDrawArrays not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glMultiDrawElements not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glPointParameteri not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glPointParameteriv not found.
glX stub: glFogCoordPointer
glXGetProcAddress: glBlendColor not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glGenQueries not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glDeleteQueries not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glIsQuery not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glBeginQuery not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glEndQuery not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glGetQueryiv not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glGetQueryObjectiv not found.
glXGetProcAddress: glGetQueryObjectuiv not found.
-center -title Unable to initialize Video driver Your video card driver does not support any of the supported OpenGL versions.
Please update your drivers or if you have a very old or integrated GPU upgrade it.
it opens a window with GL4ES.. and crashes
Last edited: