Psx Emu

sure, but that dont gives the right to call it BS, it may be hard work.
even if it dont runs for you at all you dont have the right to.
Still..the dev'r released a patch for one of the functions, showing he at least worked with the code. If I wanted to falsify people, I wouldn't go throught the trouble of correcting the code. C'mon people, lets use our noggins ;)
Oh lets stop it with the flaming in this one - save it for the other thread lol.

Very well done to LDChen - even at 0.05fps, I would never have predicted we could one day have a working PSX emu. So yeah.

Thanks for pushing the GP where none (in terms of the system emulated) - save perhaps the GPAdvance team - have done before. I doubt I'll use it much, but damn is it cool to see :)
Anyone know what happened to the GPAdvance team? Didn't they say it would be developed further in October? I know I may be getting annoying, but I really want to see desent fps on GBA games.
I didn't call it BS I said it had a wiff of BS.

I didn't say anything about the developers mum.

I also didn't call anyone any names.

I request a formal apology from you Vimacs
Vimacs posted on Oct 24 2004 at 08:50 PM said:
what gives you the rgiht to call it BS you little fag? did you pay for it?
shouldn't your sig be "I will use google before saying such insults" ?
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i've never played Ridge racer before, but looks to be polygonal 3d? How is the GP32 producing the 3d without any 3d hardware?

Also, .5fps, how slow is that, does that mean it would take like 5 mins to go forward a little bit on the game?

Also, and i'm sure to get crap for this but i'm going to say it, I don't know LDChen personally, but he still has never posted anything in any GP32 forum, why? This seems to be more GP32 related than PDA. And its not hard to photoshop some screens to make it look like something.

This is real and I hope it works, but i'm doubtful, i just can't see how a machine with, at its time, had good 3d hardware, can be emulated on a system that has no 3d hardware.
HMMMM! was i not the one who suggested this AGES ago!? ha!

but i've been gone for quite some time...

i hope somebody missed me :D
The whole point of the emulator as far as i can see is to see just what can be done, maybe not to create a fully working, playable emulator. the fact that it has an extremely low framerate is redundant, its just reassuring to know that we have talent of this level with us in the GP32 scene, thats good enough for me!

no wonder he left the scene so quickly of all the community's i have joined the gp32 one has to be the most bloody scepititcal and dare i say? Totally fukin idiotic how the hell can you own a gp32 and not understand the mindset of the devs that make it what it is?


IF you can do better IF all of a sudden you a a Guru coder then by all means slag it off and give us a working N64 emu.


EDIT: i just got a lil angry not aimed at the majority just CERTAIN users