Ps3 Delayed


Reeks of fish
Feb 3, 2004
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So basically Europe gets the PS3 in March 2007. Hey, we might pay more, but at least we'll get it later!

I think this will pretty much destroy a lot of Sony's income. Afaik Halo 3 will be out by this time, giving more incentive to buy a 360. And of course there's the Wii with the new controller.... true, I have no idea when we'll get it, but I severely doubt Nintendo won't be ready for christmas. Personally I can't wait which is what a lot of Sony fans will have to do now :D
Heard this on Newsround. Awesome. I didn't intend to get one anyway. We all knew there would be shortages so maybe this way they can produce enough to satisfy demand. Personally, I'll still be getting my Wii and i won't be losing any sleep over this. Wii to out sell 360 this xmas? my hypothesis is yes as well as DS to outsell PSP (but only just)
I was really thinking about getting a ps3 i kinda always loved backing the underdog.... yes i bought a lynx
But europe gets shafted again.

really upsets me. :( :( :(
Basically, they don't have enough blue diodes to release decent stock throughout the world so they have picked the countries that they feel they will make the most money from over the christmas period and dropped Europe. Yeah, europe gets shafted on price and now delivery date too.

I actually don't care too much as I wasn't even considering getting a PS3 unless it gets some games that I want AND when it has its inevitable first price drop -- I've already set aside some money to get a Wii on launch day along with four/five games.

It does make me mad though that Europeans always have to wait much longer and then pay more, but that's life.
the delay dont bother me at all, i never intend on having one ever anyway, as for the wii i shall definitely be gettin one, thats if anywhere starts taking pre-orders anytime soon, i thought amazon would be by now. anyone pre ordered a wii from anywhere yet?
Nintendo has not yet given a release date. I'm sure that as soon as they do you'll be able to preorder.
sensible GP32 posted on Sep 6 2006 at 01:19 PM said:
I was really thinking about getting a ps3 i kinda always loved backing the underdog.... yes i bought a lynx
But europe gets shafted again.

really upsets me. :( :( :(
Explain to me how Sony is an underdog again? They have owned the console business for the last two console generations in every region. They have gone on record as stating that their brand is so powerful, even if the PS3 didn't have games, they would sell the first 5 million consoles.
Don't give your console money to a brand, give it to the hardware that can deliver the gameplay you want at the price you can afford. The developers will follow. If in the next Gen the new top dog thinks they can gouge or force 'trojan horse' add-ons you don't want, dump 'em and go with the next hardware maker that steps up...
I fancy myself an Underdog as well, but I'm getting some serious schadenfreude from this...
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Mosch posted on Sep 6 2006 at 08:35 PM said:
Nintendo has not yet given a release date. I'm sure that as soon as they do you'll be able to preorder.

we'll know next weekend i reckon, nintendo are holding some kind of events for press, 14th of september in japan and america and 15th in england.
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I didn't really care about the PS3 anyway at the moment yes it may have some good games in the future but at that price tag i would rather wait a year or 2 for it to be a reasonable price.
The only one i'll get on launch hopefully will be the Wii.
I've seen all these kids pissed off about the delay and going on about getting a 360 instead cos they've saved up there pocket money for the PS3 and don't want to wait for it now.

They all seem to think that graphics make a console. As far as i'm concerned it's the games that make a console and the enjoyment you get out of those games.
i hope ps3 fails anyway, so thats good news for me.
look out everyone, ridge racer 7. really can not wait for the seventh game of a racing series.
even though this is also true with mario kart, mario kart has very different circuits each time.
i still find the ps3 so anoying though, i would love for it to win if it really brought us what the ps1 did.
You guys missed out another big news about it. Japan is gettng only 100k and US is gettng 400k at launch...expect blood-shed holiday this season. You thought XBox360 was impossible to find last Holidays, huh? Happy eBaying. :p
To be honest, I'm looking forward to the release of the PS3. I'm not the least bit ashamed to say that I'm a bit of a Playstation fangirl, and waiting 3 months more doesn't bother me in the least. It's going to be a cracking console which will not fail.

I have never really been one for "Hey look I have the latest console thingamajig before everyone else". What counts for me is the entertainment value. The PS3 will be released, and the games will be written. Not only that, the PS2 would have been around for 3 months before I have one, so there will already be a few good games on the market, and any problems will have been through the press and ironed out (360 PSU overheating springs to mind).

I'm looking forward to it !!!
WarmFluffyUK posted on Sep 7 2006 at 02:51 AM said:
To be honest, I'm looking forward to the release of the PS3. I'm not the least bit ashamed to say that I'm a bit of a Playstation fangirl, and waiting 3 months more doesn't bother me in the least. It's going to be a cracking console which will not fail.
Sony's making too many mistakes too soon, and there is no such thing as fail-proof business model. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of PS2 and PS2 and DS are my main sources of entertainment at the moment. At the same time, I'm no fan boy; I've got 0 loyalty to any console makers, and I'll buy console that will entertain me, and ditch the console that gets boring. Having said that, watching the same company that made so many right moves up until PS2 making so many bad steps is almost amusing and I wonder what really happened since.
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Personally I wouldnt be buying a first Version anyway as they always suck ;) better to wait a few months untill the V2, 3, 4 etc is out with all the bugs / problems are ironed out :) :D
I got a version PS2 when it came out and that had no bugs and lasted 5 years. However, PS3 will definitely have bugs. Can't wait to see kids faces in shops like Game and Gamestation in the UK when the Wii is on display to have a try at it. Im sure a few kids'll change their minds on wat to get but its inevitable that, in europe at least, most people will buy an Xbox360 because they'll want something that has super amazing graphics (although i havent seen one game on the 360 that is much different from an xbox game except for its lighting). If Nintendo manages to at least sell a substantial amount of units for xmas(200,000 to 400,000) they should do alright this generation round.
I don't care if it's delayed by a few months, I wouldn't buy one at launch anyways.

What really pisses me off is that Europe gets the bum end of the stick...again. Why not just cut down numbers and face the flak worldwide? Because Europe is an easy target; we're used to getting raped in the ass. I'd put my money where my mouth is and boycot Sony but I want a PS3 sometime down the line and...shit...I'll get me coat.

Ganepark32 posted on Sep 7 2006 at 07:27 PM said:
I got a version PS2 when it came out and that had no bugs and lasted 5 years.

Likewise. I kinda regret paying so much for it, but at least it's been 100% faultless.
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Huxley posted on Sep 7 2006 at 08:10 PM said:
I don't care if it's delayed by a few months, I wouldn't buy one at launch anyways.

What really pisses me off is that Europe gets the bum end of the stick...again. Why not just cut down numbers and face the flak worldwide? Because Europe is an easy target; we're used to getting raped in the ass. I'd put my money where my mouth is and boycot Sony but I want a PS3 sometime down the line and...shit...I'll get me coat.

Ganepark32 posted on Sep 7 2006 at 07:27 PM said:
I got a version PS2 when it came out and that had no bugs and lasted 5 years.

Likewise. I kinda regret paying so much for it, but at least it's been 100% faultless.
I so agree. I want to play hi-res ps1 and also ps3 games a bit.
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Mosch posted on Sep 6 2006 at 01:09 PM said:
So basically Europe gets the PS3 in March 2007. Hey, we might pay more, but at least we'll get it later!
Sigged. :lol:
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