European And Australian Ps3 Downgraded!

CABBAGES posted on Feb 26 2007 at 11:37 AM said:
Well some of the reasons i thought of getting a uk ps3 were:-

I heard that maybe the Uk ps3 games would be region locked then found out they will be at least £50 while you cna get us and jap games for around £35 (thats including postage)

I thought i might want to watch UK blu ray films then i rememberd i never buy dvds so i very much doubt i will buy blu ray films and if i do i can probably get cheaper us jap ones .

I cant play my uk playstation 1 + 2 games on my ps3 since it only plays ntsc games and actually most my ps2 games need a special ps2 to play them and i still have that sitting next to my ps3 so i dont need my ps3 to play them :)

also since im in the uk it would be nice to be able to use the uk online store but i can only use the us and jap ones just now ( maybe i can change once the uk one comes out )
£40 for launch titles at least
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Cabbages IS right. I realized yesterday that when I buy the wireless receiver for the 360, it will be the same price as the 20gb ps3- which has blueray as well as other stuff. It's quite a deal here if you're torn between the two. Sadly, people don't realize that. I've heard sooooooooooooooooo many people in the states bitch about the price of a ps3, and then have the nerve to say "360 ftw" or something like that. No one notices ;)

You guys are getting screwed over though. But what else is new? Hopefully it will change soon, because I really do sympathize with this crap you're all putting up with.
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 26 2007 at 10:35 PM said:
Cabbages IS right. I realized yesterday that when I buy the wireless receiver for the 360, it will be the same price as the 20gb ps3- which has blueray as well as other stuff. It's quite a deal here if you're torn between the two. Sadly, people don't realize that. I've heard sooooooooooooooooo many people in the states bitch about the price of a ps3, and then have the nerve to say "360 ftw" or something like that. No one notices ;)

You guys are getting screwed over though. But what else is new? Hopefully it will change soon, because I really do sympathize with this crap you're all putting up with.
But that's an OPTION to get the wifi card for Xbox 360 and the OPTION to get a HD-DVD player. The complaint people make is that Sony is shoving Blu-Ray down their throats just to help THEIR stake in Blu-Ray. That's what it's really about. Making sure their format (that they've invested heavily in) comes out on top. Do consumers benefit from this? Depends whether you want Blu-Ray or not.

Personally, I don't know... I'm thoroughly disappointed with the 360. I thought Microsoft made a really nice piece of hardware, but the game selection is very poor for a RPG-loving, (predominantly) Japanese game-playing gamer like myself. The Wii, while I know I'll get one eventually (and like it... mostly), probably won't satisfy my gaming desires completely. So I always held hope for the PS3... The news just gets worse and worse about it though.

I guess what I'm saying is Sega should really make a new console! :(
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shinneri posted on Feb 26 2007 at 11:03 PM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 26 2007 at 10:35 PM said:
Cabbages IS right. I realized yesterday that when I buy the wireless receiver for the 360, it will be the same price as the 20gb ps3- which has blueray as well as other stuff. It's quite a deal here if you're torn between the two. Sadly, people don't realize that. I've heard sooooooooooooooooo many people in the states bitch about the price of a ps3, and then have the nerve to say "360 ftw" or something like that. No one notices ;)

You guys are getting screwed over though. But what else is new? Hopefully it will change soon, because I really do sympathize with this crap you're all putting up with.
But that's an OPTION to get the wifi card for Xbox 360 and the OPTION to get a HD-DVD player. The complaint people make is that Sony is shoving Blu-Ray down their throats just to help THEIR stake in Blu-Ray. That's what it's really about. Making sure their format (that they've invested heavily in) comes out on top. Do consumers benefit from this? Depends whether you want Blu-Ray or not.

Personally, I don't know... I'm thoroughly disappointed with the 360. I thought Microsoft made a really nice piece of hardware, but the game selection is very poor for a RPG-loving, (predominantly) Japanese game-playing gamer like myself. The Wii, while I know I'll get one eventually (and like it... mostly), probably won't satisfy my gaming desires completely. So I always held hope for the PS3... The news just gets worse and worse about it though.

I guess what I'm saying is Sega should really make a new console! :(
Well, I personally am not talking about hd dvd at all. Most people would like online gaming. Usually a console (this generation) has at least one purpose for an internet connection, whether it be a browser or otherwise. I'm just saying most people, not all, would like that wireless receiver. That ALONE bumps the price up to ps3 status....but the ps3 has more features, INCLUDING blu-ray. If you want to pick up an hd dvd player for the 360, that will bump the price up even 60gb ps3 status. And yet, the ps3 will STILL have more features!

At this point I agree, the 360 game selection is poor. If sony can get a few amazing titles out in the coming months, it will most certainly deliver a devastating blow to MS, which could quite possibly end their chances of even competing with this gen's consoles.

It will be interesting to see. I was a little too young to get caught up in this stuff last gen :D
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 26 2007 at 11:37 PM said:
Well, I personally am not talking about hd dvd at all. Most people would like online gaming. Usually a console (this generation) has at least one purpose for an internet connection, whether it be a browser or otherwise. I'm just saying most people, not all, would like that wireless receiver. That ALONE bumps the price up to ps3 status....but the ps3 has more features, INCLUDING blu-ray. If you want to pick up an hd dvd player for the 360, that will bump the price up even 60gb ps3 status. And yet, the ps3 will STILL have more features!

At this point I agree, the 360 game selection is poor. If sony can get a few amazing titles out in the coming months, it will most certainly deliver a devastating blow to MS, which could quite possibly end their chances of even competing with this gen's consoles.

It will be interesting to see. I was a little too young to get caught up in this stuff last gen :D
It has an Ethernet port, right? So you CAN get online. It's not like it's locked out entirely. Sure, wireless is more convenient but far from necessary. And in truth, a WiFi card should NOT cost $100... <_<

Anyway, I get what you're saying. But I still think that people are justified in being annoyed that Sony forces this format on you, even if you just want to play the latest games.

And too young? I was a total GameCube fanboy (before I discovered the heavenly (orange) glow of the Dreamcast ;)). And before that I was a total N64 fanboy... and before that I was a Genesis fanboy. :blink:

EDIT: For the record, I'm a fanboy for no one nowadays... well, maybe still a Dreamcast fanboy.
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Another thing i like about ps3 is you can stick videos on it and it plays quite alot of different formats instead of the shitty one or somethin that the 360 plays. Also its so easy to things on your ps3 just stick a sd card memory stick or whjatever in the card reader and copy it to your ps3 or even plug in a usb hard drive and do the same .

I actually dont use the wireless connection coz my router is right under my ps3 but if i want t otake it downstairs or to a friends house then its quite handy.

The blu ray is being used in games right now so eventually the xbox will bring out HD games too
I kinda disagree shinneri.

I think technology which is entrenched and can be implemeted cheaply should be. WiFi should be pretty much standard on all new technology. It would be dirt cheap to include and is useful for people who don't have ethernet sockets in their front rooms (ie- nearly everyone).

MS are seriously taking the piss with their adaptor pricing too. So hats off to Sony and Nintendo for including it as standard.

Same logic applies for wireless controllers, memory card readers, hard drives etc. None of this is controversial technology and none of it will add hundreds to the price.

Blu-Ray is different. The amount it has added to the price is unacceptable, especially considering the technology is not even standard as yet. It is clear Sony are using their console market share to gain a media market share which is wrong.

Imagine if Sony had released a console based on DVD (with optional Blu-Ray model). Imagine if it had all it has now but was much cheaper. That would a bargain compared to the 360. That would be all conquering. That would be great.
shinneri posted on Feb 27 2007 at 12:22 AM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 26 2007 at 11:37 PM said:
Well, I personally am not talking about hd dvd at all. Most people would like online gaming. Usually a console (this generation) has at least one purpose for an internet connection, whether it be a browser or otherwise. I'm just saying most people, not all, would like that wireless receiver. That ALONE bumps the price up to ps3 status....but the ps3 has more features, INCLUDING blu-ray. If you want to pick up an hd dvd player for the 360, that will bump the price up even 60gb ps3 status. And yet, the ps3 will STILL have more features!

At this point I agree, the 360 game selection is poor. If sony can get a few amazing titles out in the coming months, it will most certainly deliver a devastating blow to MS, which could quite possibly end their chances of even competing with this gen's consoles.

It will be interesting to see. I was a little too young to get caught up in this stuff last gen :D
It has an Ethernet port, right? So you CAN get online. It's not like it's locked out entirely. Sure, wireless is more convenient but far from necessary. And in truth, a WiFi card should NOT cost $100... <_<

Anyway, I get what you're saying. But I still think that people are justified in being annoyed that Sony forces this format on you, even if you just want to play the latest games.

And too young? I was a total GameCube fanboy (before I discovered the heavenly (orange) glow of the Dreamcast ;)). And before that I was a total N64 fanboy... and before that I was a Genesis fanboy. :blink:

EDIT: For the record, I'm a fanboy for no one nowadays... well, maybe still a Dreamcast fanboy.
Well shinneri, I meant I was too young to get caught up in sales and stuff like that. I was a ps2 fanboy though :P

As declaration said, 99% of people who own a 360 don't have an ethernet port in the perfect spot for the console. It really is a pain in the ass ;)

I agree with you 100%. NO wireless adapter should cost a hundred bucks ;)

That is all. I'm off to grab some coffee now :lol:
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 27 2007 at 04:45 PM said:
As declaration said, no one has an ethernet port in the perfect spot for the console. It really is a pain in the ass ;)

I do. It's wireless that screws up because of the thick walls.

Not that this has anything to do with anything, I'm just saying.
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Mosch posted on Feb 27 2007 at 12:22 PM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 27 2007 at 04:45 PM said:
As declaration said, no one has an ethernet port in the perfect spot for the console. It really is a pain in the ass ;)

I do. It's wireless that screws up because of the thick walls.

Not that this has anything to do with anything, I'm just saying.
I edited my post. I hope you're happy ;)
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Here's my two cents



Oh well guess I aint buying a PS3 on release like I was planning

And I don't want to import cos I HATE getting shafted by duties

Why sony whyyyy such a l33t device you have built hoooowww have you screwed it up this bad ;)
declaration posted on Feb 26 2007 at 01:41 PM said:
I genuinely believe that Sony thinks it has Europe all sewn up. Xbox is nowhere near the Playstation in brand terms. I think Sony believes that a shitter product at a much higher price is ok because they have little chance of coming behind the Xbox in Europe.

I can't believe that European consumers are still putting up with this sort of crap.
They aren't. This is a myth that just won't die... All of the PlayStation fans who have never owned anything else that I know have bought a 360 and have no intention of spending so much money on a PS3. A fair few of them are after a Wii too :) Unless the PS3 does something special, it'll be the same story in the UK as it has been elsewhere in the world - contrary to popular opinion, people won't just go out and buy it because of the brand.
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i won't buy one firstly because of price (nearly £500 when you add a game!!), but secondly because of what they did to Lik-Sang.
I am sure that the emulation of PS2 stuff will work fine on the PS3. I would imagine that Sony would have intended to have software PS2 emulation in the first place, some sort of delay, and HAD to get their machines on the market beore Christmas.
Does the circuitry of the PS2 components look like an afterthought on the current PS3 board?
rant over.
I'm not sure I'm really interested in the PS3 anymore - to me it seems to be more games that I'm not interested in.

When the Xbox 360 is hacked amd XBMC becomes available, then that's what I'll be getting to replace my current Xbox.