Ps3 May Have Been Hacked

Username said:
I'm starting to believe Jourdy is actually a new breed of human, a supertroll if you will. Everything he posts seems to be coated in a layer of deception and semen. That, or he's just an idiot. But I can dream, can't I?
I think he is the latter.
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Fixed (for now):

This can be installed without having to open up your PS3, just by restoring a custom generated PUP file, but only from 3.15 or previous. It's possible this CFW will also work on the slim to actually *enable* OtherOS; I'll know when my infectus gets here.

SLIMS may have possibility for OtherOS! WHOOOOOHOOOO!!

Edit: GeoHot is making a mistake with what he is doing (Having his REAL name available)

Does anyone remember the old (orig) PSP scene? Sony took a lot of developers/hackers to court and won. They did (or attempted) to take DAX to court as well.. It made the scene take a step back for awhile.
I don't think Sony can take them to court, they don't have much ground to stand on. If anything, the PS3 owners need to be coming after them.

Nintonysoft, if you're reading...

Facepalm, because you don't know how stupid that was.
They CAN and WILL take them to court.

They have plenty of grounds to take GeoHot to court on. Hacking a console and now he has started to hack the software and released it to the public.

Sony has said it will "aggressively pursue" people doing such shit.

Just wait and see... There will be a lot of reports in coming months.
PS3 can now boot burnt games (anti piracy has now been cracked. Same as PSP - Court will follow).
It can boot games, but not play them, yet.
Its funny that a few days after getting rid of 'the other OS' option it got a whole lot easier to pirate games on the PS3. Sony would have been better off to leave things alone.
kingoddball said:
PS3 can now boot burnt games (anti piracy has now been cracked. Same as PSP - Court will follow).
It can boot games, but not play them, yet.

Do you have a source for this? I didn't think it had been done yet.
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kingoddball said:
They CAN and WILL take them to court.

They have plenty of grounds to take GeoHot to court on. Hacking a console and now he has started to hack the software and released it to the public.

Sony has said it will "aggressively pursue" people doing such shit

Yes, but it's not specifically for piracy- though it could be used for such, it isn't being marketed for that. It's like selling blank DVD-ROMs... Could be used for good or evil.
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Jourdy288 said:
kingoddball said:
They CAN and WILL take them to court.

They have plenty of grounds to take GeoHot to court on. Hacking a console and now he has started to hack the software and released it to the public.

Sony has said it will "aggressively pursue" people doing such shit

Yes, but it's not specifically for piracy- though it could be used for such, it isn't being marketed for that. It's like selling blank DVD-ROMs... Could be used for good or evil.
Well, except unfortunately in the US, we have the DMCA, which says:
§ 1201. Circumvention of copyright protection systems2

(a) Violations Regarding Circumvention of Technological Measures. — (1)(A) No person shall circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title.
Basically, unless it's being done for a few very specific purposes (for example, making an e-book available for blind readers), you aren't allowed to break DRM at all in the US. You're in the clear to back up CDs (in fact, there's a specific DMCA exemption for those CDs infected by Sony rootkits - you're able to break that DRM), but not e. g. DVDs, which are encrypted.

Of course, there are plenty of places outside the US where it's all legal.
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Jourdy288 said:
I don't think Sony can take them to court, they don't have much ground to stand on. If anything, the PS3 owners need to be coming after them.

It looks like they are.
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