
sam fisher posted on Mar 18 2006 at 12:04 PM said:
thecheat posted on Mar 18 2006 at 10:40 AM said:
Sorry, Peter. You're just dumb.
Nope im not. Unlike you. Seriously I am not being sarcastic about this one seth has the intelligence of a ant. He's also attracted to picnics and anything with sugar in them and I am a trillian times smarter than him! Make that infinetly times smarter.

I can't tell whether you are joking, or genuinely up yourself.
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sam fisher posted on Mar 18 2006 at 01:51 PM said:
I'm bloody joking you *insert insulting word here*! I was also implying that I am infinetly times smarter than an ant and joking about seth as I have him on msn.

Don't we all. He's like the village bike, in msn form.
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sam fisher posted on Mar 18 2006 at 04:04 AM said:
thecheat posted on Mar 18 2006 at 10:40 AM said:
Sorry, Peter. You're just dumb.
Nope im not. Unlike you. Seriously I am not being sarcastic about this one seth has the intelligence of a ant. He's also attracted to picnics and anything with sugar in them and I am a trillian times smarter than him! Make that infinetly times smarter.
A ant? Trillian? :ph34r:
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gp32rich posted on Mar 18 2006 at 11:31 AM said:
Eh. Back on topic ...

Can you stick your tongue out?

Maybe you have a restricted lingual fraenulum, also known as being tongue tied.
This may limit the movement of your tongue and is a genetic condition.

If you want to be able to pronounce your th's you could have it cut to allow your tongue to move around more. (Read up more through that link!)

btw. Don't have kids or they'll have the same deformity :P

Did you know that women only have one fraenulum whilst men have two?
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