Anyone Ever Done One Of Those Referal Things For Free Stuff?

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Jan 3, 2006
Hello, i just did one of those referal things where you have to sign up to something for free stuff. I signed up for a free trial dvd rental thing, thinkin i could just cancel my account straight away.

Well, needless to say, it wasn't that easy. I had to phone them to cancel my account, and when she was asking for my post code i was saying P, when she thought i said E.

"E for echo?" she said. "No, P for Pete" i said. "T for tango?", "No, P for Percy" i said. (I dont know the correct words for this stupid phonetic alphabet thing).

This went on for a while, finally i got through to her all my information and she said "Thankyou, i can confirm that your card will not be charged, have a nice day", "Thankyou, same to you" :angry:

Anyway, has anyone else ever done these things?

Hopefully i will never be stupid enough to do one again.
Hello, i just did one of those referal things where you have to sign up to something for free stuff. I signed up for a free trial dvd rental thing, thinkin i could just cancel my account straight away.

Well, needless to say, it wasn't that easy. I had to phone them to cancel my account, and when she was asking for my post code i was saying P, when she thought i said E.

"E for echo?" she said. "No, P for Pete" i said. "T for tango?", "No, P for Percy" i said. (I dont know the correct words for this stupid phonetic alphabet thing).

This went on for a while, finally i got through to her all my information and she said "Thankyou, i can confirm that your card will not be charged, have a nice day", "Thankyou, same to you" :angry:

Anyway, has anyone else ever done these things?

Hopefully i will never be stupid enough to do one again.

lol, here's my referal code if anyone wishes to be a dumbass:


Reported, because im in school and in a pissy mood.
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Ah sorry, was just postin it to prove how stupid it was to do it.

And from the fact that you're not allowed to post referal links i proved i was stupid in more ways than one, ah well, sorry bout that.
Next time you have to call them, use this:

A Alpha [ˈælfə]
B Bravo [ˈbɹɑvoʊ]
C Charlie [ˈtʃɑɹliː]
D Delta [ˈdɛltɑ]
E Echo [ˈɛkoʊ]
F Foxtrot [ˈfɔːkstɹɔːt]
G Golf [gɔːlf]
H Hotel [hoʊ.ˈtɛl]
I India [ˈɪndiː.ˌə]
J Juliett [ˈdʒuːliː.ˌɛt]
K Kilo [ˈkiːloʊ]
L Lima [ˈliːmə]
M Mike [maɪk]
N November [noʊ.ˈvɛmˌbɝ]
O Oscar [ˈɔːskə]
P Papa [pɑ.ˈpɑ]
Q Quebec [kɛ.ˈbɛk]
R Romeo [ˈɹoʊmiː.ˌoʊ]
S Sierra [siː.ˈɛˌɹə]
T Tango [ˈtæŋgoʊ]
U Uniform [ˈjuːniː.ˌfɔɹm]
V Victor [ˈvɪktə]
W Whiskey [ˈwɪskiː]
X X-ray [ˈɛksɹeɪ]
Y Yankee [ˈjæŋkiː]
Z Zulu [ˈzuːluː]
This thread serves no purpose now, As it has derailed from the original subject, Plus the thread starter posted a referal link in their original post, Which is scorned upon on this site.


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