So there's a very good chance I have ADD

tl;dr adhd is real but it really depends per person.
Mildly off-topic: a few months ago, the webcomic Girls With Slingshots went through an arc where they all got tested for STDs, and one of the characters, instead of discovering she had an STD, instead had RLS. It wasn't until recently that someone informed me that, in the US, Restless Leg Syndrome is an actual medical disorder for which treatments exist. This blew my mind. Around here, if you've got a twitchy leg, either you get used to it or someone points it out and you stop: it's not something to be treated, it's just one of those things.

I imagine that ADD/ADHD are treated very similar in other parts of the world. "You have trouble staying focused? So what?! Everyone has trouble concentrating sometimes." and it just becomes something that you deal with.
Honestly I doubt you have ADD or ADHD. If you did, you would not be able to read books, or even keep coming back to these boards and posting stuff. At 30 years of age I can honestly say I've read only one book ("Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger), and have gotten bye ok. I've been kicked out of public school for behavioral issues (my parents refused juvi) so I was sent to private school to graduate. Still Ok. The point is although you might have a short attention span, or lack of drive in certain things, you should avoid being drugged. Drugs do work! However the long term effects are brutal. ADD take Aderall. Liver damage from Aderall. They have something for that. And on and on.

I personally detest Aderall, because it was prescribed to my girlfriend after she had a major surgery, for anxiety, and it really messed her up while she was on it. She described a feeling of being content as sad. She said that if she wasn't very happy, she was really really sad. This caused a bad case of depression. She kept crying for no reason, and couldn't even describe why. The doctor recommended a psychiatrist. I told her to just stay off the drugs a while and see what happens. She stopped the Adderall and things got worse for a while (withdrawal) but then she sprung back to normal.

I abused pretty much every addiction growing up, but now don't drink, don't smoke, and don't take drugs (aside from an Advil for back pain once in a blue moon). You're better off just working with what you got, and make the best of it. You'd be better off. If you do have ADD or anything else that won't kill you, just deal with it the best way you can. It'll be OK.
Two people just confirmed my rantings. We're not abnormal, we're just geeks. If you've been diagnosed with ADHD as a kid, then you're probably just a prick, like I was. You'll grow out of it.

I've never looked into "Restless Leg Syndrome", but if you're saying that it's a "medical" label attached to those annoying people who bounce their leg up-and-down, causing the whole desk to shake, then I shall join you in denouncing that as another crackpot quakamajig invented to sell expensive medicine. I've done that from time to time, too, passing it off as a medical disorder is absurd. Half the people in my office would be on unnecessary medicine!

Next you'll be telling me that alcoholism is a disease.

If you *think* you have ADHD, it's probably a combination of you being a fairly normal geek, coupled with the anti-placebo effect of the quack diagnosis causing you to *believe* you have ADHD and thus experience elevated levels of the symptoms associated with it, and topped off with a dependancy on the drug you've been erroneously prescribed in order to concentrate.

*I* still have trouble concentrating. It's not a disease, it's a natural fact of life. Human beings simply weren't evolved to concentrate on any one thing for any length of time, we adapted to an active lifestyle, with anything that would require "concenration" these days being deeply motivated by our survival instincts. It's a small wonder we have trouble concentrating on the mindless, meaningless and fickle humdrum of life.

The whole concept of "ADHD" as a disease is further undermined by the fact it's causes and exacerbation's are poorly understood. Its been pinned on everything from consumption of "evil colouring chemicals", to "an inability for children to self motivate without environmental stimuli." The latter being a profoundly obvious and simple result of those aforementioned hundreds of thousands of years spent evolving in a dynamic and dangerous environment.

Ultimately, The symptoms attributed to "ADHD" are something you either grow out of, or develop into a career re-creating a dangerous lifestyle. I don't care how many people spout off anecdotal evidence saying they've experienced "ADHD" and been treated for it, you've also been brainwashed with bullshit and quackery.

Mighty funny how simple, alternate treatments, including the powerful placebo effect, are utterly ignored. And disgusting how peoples health is at the whim of pill-pushing drug industries with billions of dollars invested in their useless creations.

I do, however, like the idea that I can suddenly develop a wealth of behavioural problems, simply have them all pinned on quack syndromes and get away with mayhem.
So you mom gave you speed(adderall=amphetamine,ritalin=methylphenadate), and you were on your toes all dont say??? LOL Its pretty irresponsible of your mother to hand you amphetamine. Maybe youve heard of some other amphetamines. Like crystal meth, AKA amphetamine with a methyl group. In this case it sounds more like a cop out, than a treatment, they hand that crap out like candy. Meanwhile cancer patients are dying to use an herb to stimulate appetite, so they can survive chemo, and the FDA, and feds say it has no medical value. WTF is wrong with this society? Give your kids amphetamines.......cannabis, bad, very bad. Schedule one. FDA, and doctors are so full of shit. Nothing but legal drug pushers. Their best friend is their pharmaceutical rep.
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Unfortunately now at days if you have a habit or lack of a habit you are somehow labeled as "diseased" or "disordered" and you are immediately medicated. Everyone need to make a buck! Its the way the world works!

Amazingly, after cutting through the psychotic ramblings of one Charlie Sheen, 75% of the things he says make sense! People take drugs because they work! Drink because it works! The problem with things working is that they work so well you loose yourself without even noticing. You feel better but thats only till something else goes wrong. And it always does unfortunately. But you don't blame what may have started your decline to begin with. You then begin to stack up prescriptions or other drugs. In my opinion, save the drugs till you are well advanced in age. That way they work better (because your body has no resistance to any drugs, therefore they work better), and its easier to cope with things due to your life experience.
Amazing how all these people with ADHD who don't read books can concentrate long enough to negotiate forum threads full of tl;dr posts... weird, that.

I consumed books like fucking candy when I was a kid. Similarly, I know plenty of people who don't read and have no specific reason, medical or otherwise, for not doing so. Each to their own.

People. You keep prophesying your anecdotes of drug pushing quackery. I, for one, don't buy into the bullshit labels attributed to it. It's just another reason to shove all attention and behavioural disorders under one umbrella and treat them all the same way, rather than dealing with these problems properly.

I'm not saying you've not had problems, I'm not saying you don't deserve to seek treatment, I'm saying you've been fucked over, whether you realise it or not, and shouldn't gratify this despicable production-line medical practise by attributing your own experiences to it. If someone diagnoses you with ADHD, an insubstantial umbrella non-syndrome with no tangible, quantifiable set of causes or symptoms, then they're not doing their job properly. And you're losing out.

Big pharma is laughing all the way to the bank, though.
Whatever you do, please stay away from Ritalin, it's adverse side effects often create the need to take anti-depressants at the same time. This guy at my school has this issue and it's seriously messed up his mind. I hope you'll stay around just as often as well, I enjoy your posts :)
I took Ritalin for years in grade school, it worked wonders for my concentration (although I had Asperger's and was misdiagnosed with ADHD) with no adverse side effects.

Asperger's here, too. Though Ritalin had the exact opposite effect on me. I guess that's what happens when you see a high-cost therapist for one session who immediately gives you a prescription for high-powered drugs. I still remember that guy being quite idiotic. Not sure how he got his credentials.
All bodies are not created equal, guys.

Also, I am not even thinking about Ritalin. Get that out of your head.
Diamond coated cheese? Or pure diamonds cut to look like cheese? Or smelly diamonds? Sparkly cheese? IT MAKES NO SENSE!!!!!!!
All bodies are not created equal, guys.

Also, I am not even thinking about Ritalin. Get that out of your head.

What your really saying is, I like amphetamine, I had a great day....well yeah man, speed does first. FWIW I would consider methylphenidate a less dangerous comppound than amphetamine. Structurally they are different, but the effect/properties are very similar. Your not even thinking about ritalin??? You act like its some kind of choice. Your doctors medicine cabinet isnt your pill bar. Although they prescribe it to you like it is. I blame your parents personally. Moms one day was like here, pop one of these, and your like woo hoo it worked. Of course it did, amphetamine makes everyone like that when you take it,......until you come down. My guess would be you havent gotten enough ass whoopins, to mellow you out. You cant learn discipline from popping a pill every morning. For some people it helps, and is much needed, I just dont see that here. You just need some self discipline. Just my $0.02, you started the thread, and wanted to know.

Im goin with Matt, and Trey on this one.
I think Restless Leg Syndrome is when your legs feel weird and you can't get to sleep, it's not the same as tapping your feet or something.

My legs feel weird almost all the time unless I put them up and slouch a lot, and I'm tired almost all day. I think I have a pretty serious case of hypochondria.
I have been diagnosed with ADD. I think a few of you are....overgeneralizing.

You're basically saying AD(H)D is an excuse for laziness and a lack of proper parenting. That the only reason I act similar to the symptoms is because that gives me the excuse to be lazy.

Than how do you explain the other 14 years of my life that I followed those symtoms, and never knew about ADD?

Here's a list of symptoms, and my comments on each:

1. Fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork
I do this way too much. Example: Just last week, we had a math test. I failed it because I forgot to put the unimportant exponents on the newly formed equation. Another: Accidentally forgetting the negative on an answer, even though I had used it when solving.

2. Has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play
I can't spend ALL afternoon just doing homework. Likewise, I can't spend all afternoon playing Video Games. I get bored doing the same thing too long. (But that DOES NOT MEAN that I simply give up - I still try to stay focused on these.)

3. Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly
I've been trying really hard to not do this...but it happens at times.

4. Does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace
I will often skim instructions, and miss something. Also, I often forget that I have schoolwork because my brain is jumping all over the place all day.

5. Has difficulty organizing tasks and activities
I've been working on this for a few years now, and gotten pretty good at it. The Gamers Club I founded with a friend at school has helped push me to keep on top of these things (although that hasn't stopped me from forgetting things or being extremely disorderly...)

6. Avoids or dislikes tasks that require sustained mental effort (such as schoolwork)
This is the one symptom I don't match. I've been creating computer games since I was 10....which I'd say is "sustained mental effort".

7. Often loses toys, assignments, pencils, books, or tools needed for tasks or activities
THIS. ALL THE TIME, THIS. I Always lose my pencils and assignments. My parent's won't let me check more than 1 book out from the library anymore because of how many times I've lost them in the past! :p

8. Is easily distracted
I have a horrible habit of daydreaming in class without even trying. Than I usually start drawing before I realize what I'm doing. XP

9. Is often forgetful in daily activities
I forget where I put things all the time, and sometimes I forget why or where I'm going.

Also, that thing about ADHD people not being about to read is a bunch of crap. I can read a book, but I can't read it all in 1 sitting. As a better example, After school every day I log on to my PC and check out what's going on with my various websites on my hour break. I usually alternate between forums and videos. Otherwise, I grow sleepy/bored, and start eating food to compensate.

Laziness is somewhat a factor (I mean, We can all be a little lazy sometimes), But my laziness is certainly not because I don't want to think. Quite the opposite! I think too much, actually. But I am lazy physically....but that would be partially because of my horrible asthma condition, and because I'd honestly rather think than do labor. :p

Also, I know it's entirely subjective, but I think my parents do a fairly good job of being....parents. They don't keep me on a tight leash, but there are still rules to follow and there are consequences.

Wow....LOOOOOONG post. I can't wait for you to get angry at me for having a different opinion and making me go back into hiding until my Pandora arrives! [/sarcasm]

Time to go watch some Classic Game Room. :)

P.S. No SOLGarion, you're in a hot tub. :D
I have been diagnosed with ADD. I think a few of you are....overgeneralizing.

You're basically saying AD(H)D is an excuse for laziness and a lack of proper parenting. That the only reason I act similar to the symptoms is because that gives me the excuse to be lazy.

Than how do you explain the other 14 years of my life that I followed those symtoms, and never knew about ADD?

Here's a list of symptoms, and my comments on each:

1. Fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork
I do this way too much. Example: Just last week, we had a math test. I failed it because I forgot to put the unimportant exponents on the newly formed equation. Another: Accidentally forgetting the negative on an answer, even though I had used it when solving.

2. Has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play
I can't spend ALL afternoon just doing homework. Likewise, I can't spend all afternoon playing Video Games. I get bored doing the same thing too long. (But that DOES NOT MEAN that I simply give up - I still try to stay focused on these.)

3. Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly
I've been trying really hard to not do this...but it happens at times.

4. Does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace
I will often skim instructions, and miss something. Also, I often forget that I have schoolwork because my brain is jumping all over the place all day.

5. Has difficulty organizing tasks and activities
I've been working on this for a few years now, and gotten pretty good at it. The Gamers Club I founded with a friend at school has helped push me to keep on top of these things (although that hasn't stopped me from forgetting things or being extremely disorderly...)

6. Avoids or dislikes tasks that require sustained mental effort (such as schoolwork)
This is the one symptom I don't match. I've been creating computer games since I was 10....which I'd say is "sustained mental effort".

7. Often loses toys, assignments, pencils, books, or tools needed for tasks or activities
THIS. ALL THE TIME, THIS. I Always lose my pencils and assignments. My parent's won't let me check more than 1 book out from the library anymore because of how many times I've lost them in the past! :p

8. Is easily distracted
I have a horrible habit of daydreaming in class without even trying. Than I usually start drawing before I realize what I'm doing. XP

9. Is often forgetful in daily activities
I forget where I put things all the time, and sometimes I forget why or where I'm going.

Also, that thing about ADHD people not being about to read is a bunch of crap. I can read a book, but I can't read it all in 1 sitting. As a better example, After school every day I log on to my PC and check out what's going on with my various websites on my hour break. I usually alternate between forums and videos. Otherwise, I grow sleepy/bored, and start eating food to compensate.

Laziness is somewhat a factor (I mean, We can all be a little lazy sometimes), But my laziness is certainly not because I don't want to think. Quite the opposite! I think too much, actually. But I am lazy physically....but that would be partially because of my horrible asthma condition, and because I'd honestly rather think than do labor. :p

Also, I know it's entirely subjective, but I think my parents do a fairly good job of being....parents. They don't keep me on a tight leash, but there are still rules to follow and there are consequences.

Wow....LOOOOOONG post. I can't wait for you to get angry at me for having a different opinion and making me go back into hiding until my Pandora arrives! [/sarcasm]

Time to go watch some Classic Game Room. :)

P.S. No SOLGarion, you're in a hot tub. :D

I read through those symptoms and checked them off. I've dealt with them all of my life, and they sure as hell piss off my wife from time to time. I've never been medicated for them, and would never want to be. I can't bear the thought of suppressing my uniqueness through drugs.

I'm certainly not chalking it all up on bad parenting and poor excuses, the "symptoms" are certainly real. But they are a side effect of dealing with our absurdly rapid transition from bashing rocks together, to sitting at desks pushing pencils. There's nothing wrong with you, you're a member of a species which has spent only a handful of centuries doing the meaningless, trivial bullshit we occupy our daily lives with in this day and age. It's a small wonder so many of us exhibit these symptoms to varying degrees of intensity. More importantly, the trivial bullshit has really intensified over the last century, and more so over the last few decades.

Don't you just love it when you walk up the stairs... get to the top... and forget why the hell you walked up the stairs in the first place. *sigh*