Release Project Zomboid


Apr 29, 2008
I just learned about an interesting "zombie RPG" that is currently being made. Project Zomboid

Let me start off by saying I don't really know that much about what is necessary to run things on the Pandora other than "source code is needed for port requests!" Luckily, I don't think this is a port request. The authors have the game available(ish) for PC/MAC/Linux, which I would think might be easy for them to compile for arm? From what I've learned here it would still depend on what dependencies they are using, such as openGL or the other things that are related to that.

What I was hoping is that perhaps a dev that has a better understanding of what would be necessary could contact them, see if it would be possible for them to have a Pandora compatible release, and if so if they would be willing. Since the game is still in alpha and receiving updates, if it was easy for them to do they could just release the updates to those that have purchased it, and then go from there. I didn't want to contact them myself because I don't think I would be very compelling with something along the lines of "Have you heard about the Pandora......It would be perfect for the Pandora..."

About the game, basic idea is to survive as long as possible. Everyone will die eventually.

Thanks to anyone interested in trying to talk to them.

Doesnt look like it is open source so you would have to contact the developers to get the source code or see if they would be interested in porting it to pandora,( I could be wrong I just didnt see any source) looks a good game though
let me guess, you read the latest CAD comic? :P

:o Whatever would lead to the conclusion that the day it is mentioned in the CAD comic is the day I find out about it and pass it on here? I'm shocked that you don't believe that I'm omnipotent in the goods of the internet to share with all the Pandora plebians. :D

I did see it there and thought it could be a great addition if it works out.


edit: :D :o
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let me guess, you read the latest CAD comic? :P

Whatever would lead to the conclusion that the day it is mentioned in the CAD comic is the day I find out about it and pass it on here? I'm shocked that you don't believe that I'm omnipotent in the goods of the internet to share with all the Pandora plebians.

I did see it there and thought it could be a great addition if it works out.

I saw it on there too, and after reading up on it, I came here, and saw a topic added about it... So I was just pointing that out, I didn't mean any offence :s
Technical difficulties aside, I imagine it would come down to convincing them of the financial viability of making it pandora-compatible (i.e. amount of extra development needed vs. additional potential customers). That would be a struggle, I think.

edit: LGR - emoticons are useful when you're not being entirely serious, especially around here!!
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