Having seen the mockups for the Pandora I'm worried that the action buttons could be a little too close to the keyboard. Given that I'm always getting thumb prints on the screen of my GP2X, I think that there may be cases where I'm accidentally pressing the P or Enter keys on the keyboard when I wanted to press the A or X buttons.
Other than that, I quite like it
I can see the keyboard broadening its use past being a games console and frankly I'd get it just for the rechargable battery
I'm sick of having to change the batteries every one or two hours. I'd have preferred to have the keyboard and game controls on a slider instead of a clamshell, because then, with the right music-playing software, I'd be able to dispense with my iPod Touch as well (although it does seem that the new machine will be a little bulkier - almost the same size as a GP2X in fact).
Other than that, I quite like it