Post A Pic Of An Up And Coming Game With Graphics


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Aug 14, 2003
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My choice isn't strictly a case of amazing graphics, in fact they're not particularly stunning at all, but there *is* something about this screenshot that has made the game in question a 'must-have' for me even at this stage.

The new Super Mario on the DS:

In this pic, the platforms look as if they 'bend and wobble' (of want of better terms!):
The gameplay videos of that game are amazing. There are a few long ones out there. Just watching those videos gave me the same feeling i got as a kid when i first saw Super Mario 3.
Two months to go, grahf (fingers crossed!)

OK.. 3D... Here's a pic from The Getaway on the PS3. There's talk that it may be more a technology demo, but nevertheless it's sh|t hot still!


More images here
Huxley posted on Mar 9 2006 at 03:26 PM said:
Spore looks amazing, but still screenshots wouldn't really do it justice...
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ste_167 posted on Mar 9 2006 at 04:44 PM said:
Two months to go, grahf (fingers crossed!)

OK.. 3D... Here's a pic from The Getaway on the PS3. There's talk that it may be more a technology demo, but nevertheless it's sh|t hot still!

wow that looks amazing

the building looks pretty real
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There were similar Getaway hype shots when the PS2 came out and it didn't live up to expectations, hopefully this one will..

Crysis looks amazing in that picture, 3D graphics are becoming far more organic. I remember being equally impressed by previews of Project Ego (Fable) on the Xbox a few years back.
I love Lego. I even bought that horribly overpriced Robotics Invention System. Well, when I say bought, I mean got for Christmas. Yay.

I've not played Lego Star Wars. I must. Soon.
Lego Star Wars rocks! TBH, it is more like Star Wars than the last 3 movies. It's just so addictivly fun.

Although it only takes about 5 hours to complete with 100% of all of the pickups :angry:.