Possible Evidence Of Gp64?

I would really like to see a next gp32

just need to be more powerful what Octavious said would be good

probably could definietly get people from my school to buy it then

and it needs at least 2 more buttons
from GBAx

GP32-2? Now, the biggest question... are Gamepark going to follow up the GP32 with a sequel? Or at least upgrade the current model slightly? While we can't say anything yet we might have some news on this subject in the next newsletter (oohhhh :) ).
Other excellent GP32 news is that 2 people, Gomwing and Squidge have managed to get the GP32 to work with CompactFlash - giving access to up to 4gig of storage! Gomwings idea replaces the SMC slot; Squidges is more accessible as it uses the EXT port. Check it out Here

Its SD not CF, so what else will be misinformation :P
uhh, I forget what company makes it, but there is a 600 mhz arm 10 some where

here this is my idea of what a good next GP would be

ARM1020E 667 mhz Samsung Processor with 64k cache ( also capable of floating point - designed for 3d apps )
Nvidia GoForce 3D 4500 ( about a fx5700 in power terms )
32 - 128 megs ram
3.5 inch or larger 640x480 BACK LIT screen
and 1 or 2 SD card slot(s)
Open source console
Bluetooth & WiFi for file transfer
and a 1800-2200 5v mha Li-Ion rechargeable battery pack built in
NO EXTRA GADGETS, like a camera, or GPS, or GPRS

Heck, 350mhz would be fine with me...batteries duh
It wouldn't run at full-overclock all the time though, we could still run it at 166mhz to conserve battery life.
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Backwords compatability, more buttons and greater storage. These things along with the obvious more capable processor and more RAM would be enough for me.
Same here, and of course, to be cheaper solution for the person wanting mobile emulation. At least that was a reason why I bought a GP32.
I agree quite a bit with what octavious said...but..
At 667 mhz we wont have enough power to emulate consoles that run at 640x480.. So the screen res should just be 320x240 like it is now...
1 sd card slot would be enough.. (I would want the handheld to remain fairly small..)
Should be able to swap out battery for a spare...
I want it to have a nice clamshell design to keep the screen safe... but also for it to be desinged as comfortably as the gp32..
6 face buttons.. A,B,C,X,Y,Z,Select,Start..
Either D-pad or D-stick
2 shoulder buttons
backwards compatible with gp32..
I don't think backwards compatability should be a huge thing. If they have too much trouble doing it, just take it out, devs will want to develop on it eventually, it's just a matter of time. Oh and 640x480 could help make ports from PC alot easier.
Touchscreens will be fine, remember, unlike nintendo, the GP32 devs aren't forced to use the damn thing.