History of Gamepark


UFO Robot
Feb 25, 2003
I remember one day, a magazine was reporting that nintendo was making a portable games console that was as powerful as n64, and i think the gamepark was part of that research, but they decided that 20mhz was more than enough to take the money off the poor kids, so they stopped research drop their korea division and made the gameboy advance instead.

Gamepark then where left on their own with a machine in development and little money so after two or three attempts they came up with the gamepark as we know it (or dont).

They then made a killer game for it called mill, it sold really well and they sold out their stock of gameparks, and started the development of the gamepark 64 (the 64 standing for 64mb and not bits), and on the manufacturing process some kids reported that Mill was burning out their gameparks so gamepark, gave 50% rebates on the gp64's for compensasion and the kids where very happy.

Meanwhile on the homebrew side ryleh was coding the dreamcast emulator and it could run at 90% speed.
Black was making the Xbox emulator but it didnt have sound and controls and ran at 50%
and Darkfader ported opengl to the gamepark64.

one yeah later gamepark bought out the rights for doom4 and started porting it to the gp500 which they were developing at the same time.

Most of the early homebrew developers are currently working in branches of gamepark through out the world. Except for Darkfader which is working on the playstation 3.

That's it for now, you never know what the future may bring!!!
You might have wondered why mr_spiv hasnt been mentioned, well im not supposed to say mr_spiv will invent a display system that guides a screen directly into your pupil, thats why the the gp500 will be a pair of glasses, that is so cool that i have brought them back to our day. The only problem is that i mugged on the street and they stole it, if you see so guy with it take it back off him. It looks shiny black, with orange lenses,and the color changes when i reboots or when its is being flashed (but you wont see new firmware till 2017)

But luckily the guy might not know that the glasses are gp500's as they look like cool sunglasses, the only way you could detect them is if the glare of the sun is blinding the guy, because they are not sunglasses.

If you shout "Gamepark Reboot" you should hear the normal gamepark reboot sound they you'll find the guy you can then take hes glasses off.

Please send then to me afterwards, i will keep them safe till 2017 (we dont want nintendo stealling the technology and using it before 2017, it could make a quantum paradox)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
hey... what's wrong with Dell based time travelling equipment?

They're well built, cheap and have nifty black everything.

or something.
Someone will hack into it and we'll find that time is erased .. Dell is not a company but some geezer with a dodgy tie trying to sell used GP32's and that Microsoft own the world (whats new there?!)

So whats the morale of this story?
