Beta Pndstore

A a B b C c would confuse people more than A B C a b c.... think about it this way... A is first, and a is second... how can "A" be both first AND second? Whereas in the way it's currently done, a is first and A is 27th. it's essentially grouping possible drives in chuncks of 26. Good examples of situations where one would need more than 26 drives (and possibly thousands) is in the server market (where Linux -as an OS- originated). I get where you're coming from, but generally speaking, your view is a "windows" view (no offense)... most people who have come into the world of computers using anything other than Windows would find 'your' way more confusing. Just a thought.
No, CPU, my view is the view of the Western literary tradition since around the 14th century, when European languages first started using lower-case letters, and the decision was made not to alter sorting systems because of it. All catalogues, libraries, and lists since then have followed the rule, until a few programmers came along and decided that upper- and lower-case letters should be separated.

If this only affected drives, no-one would care.

But I'll bet this causes headaches for librarians, as well... or would if Linux became more widespread.
Tempel, another idea for a feature:

If it finds any new programs when you update the list, put special icons beside them (only for that session). So that you can see what new programs there are since you last checked, without going to the Repo website.
Actually, Linux is pretty wide-spread in American libraries... makes for a cheaper and more configurable database and general backend system to the network of libraries in this country. But your big picture was a bit bigger than my big picture was covering. That's all fine and good. Admittedly, the only place you will probably ever see such a setup is in the Linux filesystems. I see it as a blessing and a curse though, because it actually sees uppercase and lowercase as separate letters (so the "Linux Alphabet" is technically 52 letters). Guess it just depends on perspective.... I've gotten used to it, so it doesn't really bother me. And I can transition to the Windows standard whenever I deal with such computers... so it's all good with me. But I can see your point.

On your second point: making the names of the updated/new programs bold would help too... as long as there was a way to indicate they are new...
Hmm. If libraries use Linux, then there must be some way to disable or override the "Linux Alphabet", at least outwardly. Maybe even something that can be used on the Pandora...

I think this "Linux Alphabet" thing may be another case of technological lock-in, though, with consequences far beyond the ones originally intended by whoever thought it up. Much like how the early decision to make computers unable to distinguish between physical and virtual button presses have overwhelming repercussions to this day (trading security for speed).
first and foremost... the format CAN be changed.. as Ubuntu has done something to that degree so they can appease the windows users they attract (no offense). Secondly, most end-user computers at the libraries are Windows (because that's what people know by name and are "used to")... the computers I was talking about at the library were the backend systems, that run the databases, catalog information and handle their Point of Sale systems... The "Linux Alphabet" is not a lock-in, it's just a default/standard. Everything about Linux can be altered to suit whoever wishes to use it (with enough knowledge)... so there is no lock-in.
Ok, so there's reason to hope, then. :) I don't see why being a Windows user should warrant a "no-offence" here since, as I said, Windows is the system that uses the centuries-old established standard. It's no wonder that people prefer it.

But regarding alphabetical sorting in PNDstore: it's entirely wacky and makes no sense, even considering the Linux alphabet. The first listed program is "Gnome 3D Tetris", then Corsix-TH, then Abe's Amazing Adventure. Then it goes in alphabetical order, but Oricuntron comes after the Ps. Then after Zim desktop wiki you have Crimson Fields, and after that Atari 2600. Then in alphabetical order, still upper-case letters, but jumanji is lowercase j yet is in the right spot. Pandora SD Installer is AFTER ScummVM, and is followed by Gnuboy for some reason. Stella is followed by Milkytracker, then by Create Extend File. Battle for Wesnoth is listed under W instead of B.

Most files are in alphabetical order, but there are so many that are not and are in ridiculous places that it just makes the whole thing really frustrating.
I have a tendancy to come off as condescending toward Windows users, so I cover myself with that statement so as not to unintentionally offend... It's not really that the system that Windows uses as a standard is better (or worse, for that matter) just different... it is efficient for those who use it, same as the Linux standard being efficient for those who use it... I was just giving some origin behind a feature/concept that you didn't quite comprehend it's reasoning/purpose.

There could be arbritrary characters that the PNDstore is picking up but are not shown in the display (possibly picking up on code that preceeds the first letters of the PND names?), but that's speculation on my part. Could also have to do with name settings within the PXML... I am not surprised about the Wesnoth "error" because most people refer to it as just Wesnoth vs the entire name... so whoever packaged it may have shorthanded a few parts of the PXML which lead to it's location in PNDstore (and could also explain the rest of the oddballs in the order of the list as well, now that I think about it)... again, just speculation, but probably highly likely after seeing your Battle for Wesnoth example.
I'm fairly certain that it's sorting by package ID. Gnome 3D Tetris has the ID "3dtetris...", so no wonder it comes first. I'm just not sure whether they're all actively sorted alphabetically, or just sorted in the order that they're entered into the list. This is also the reason that searching doesn't work quite right. I'll figure it out eventually.
I just uploaded 0.3.1, a bugfix release, to the repo. It does fix searching, so it now works by title rather than ID. Sorting, though, turned out to be a separate issue that I'll have to deal with later. It also fixes a potential bug from a failed upgrade; no one's reported seeing this bug, but now it definitely shouldn't happen.

It doesn't start :(

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./PNDstore", line 24, in <module>
p = PNDstore()
File "/mnt/utmp/pndstore/pndstore_gui/", line 12, in __init__
os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '') )
glib.GError: Unknown internal child: selection
Bye, Magic Sam
Magic Sam said:

It doesn't start :(

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./PNDstore", line 24, in <module>
p = PNDstore()
File "/mnt/utmp/pndstore/pndstore_gui/", line 12, in __init__
os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '') )
glib.GError: Unknown internal child: selection
Bye, Magic Sam

hi confirm app not starting; seemed to update okay from previous verision but now not starting
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Holy cow, I wasn't expecting that. Thanks guys, I made a quick fix that is up now. Hopefully that does it.

Edit: Could one of you (or anyone with a Pandora, I guess) please do me a quick favour so this doesn't happen again? Open up a terminal and run this command:
python -c "import pygtk; pygtk.require('2.0'); import gtk; print gtk.gtk_version"
and please let me know what output it gives.
Tempel said:
Edit: Could one of you (or anyone with a Pandora, I guess) please do me a quick favour so this doesn't happen again? Open up a terminal and run this command:
python -c "import pygtk; pygtk.require('2.0'); import gtk; print gtk.gtk_version"
and please let me know what output it gives.
(2, 20, 0)
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Tempel said:
Thanks Caine. Just to confirm I know what I'm doing, could someone please test this experimental version and let me know if it runs?

unfortunately this experimental version not starting and giving same output error as reported above by magicsam
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Thanks peelie. In that case, I don't get it and I'm just going to have to downgrade Glade on my computer. But just to be sure, 0.3.2 in the repo works, right?
Yes, it does work. Although oddly, I updated it from within PNDstore, but it didn't show up in the start menu until I rebooted the Pandora. I think previous ones showed up right away. Also do you know what causes this?

It happens with a number of apps. Pidgin is one, also Audacious, just coming to mind. The old version was downloaded long ago, not from the repo. But for most files like that, it accurately links it to the repo version...

Thanks for editing the search function.