Planet Computers : Gemini - Psion Returns

It's like you can't start a retro geek campaign without dodgy +o( happening either by the campaign or others starting a fake campaign like with the Gemini.
Seems like :-(.

I noticed they added more earlybirds. That, combined with the other vagueness here, does warrant some feel for alarm... Their responses to comments on Linux support have been unconvincing to say the least and downright against historical evidence of, for example, the behaviour of MediaTek as a company. It doesn't seem like they are serious about long term support, if they cannot provide better answers right now.

But even ignoring the Linux support issue, they might be crossly underestimating the effort they are committing to. Offering more earlybirds at this stage simply does not seem logical, when they've stated themselves that the earlybird offer is about half the final price (probably below long term production costs, definitely below short term...). In the best case they are underestimating when the easy cash starts pouring in... in the worst... well...

At the very least this adding of earlybirds means their original calculations were off. If they are sitting on a pile of cash, great, but then why are they on Indiegogo at such an early stage to begin with when simply announcing this would have probably postponed several nerds' spending spree on a similar device for a few months.

Somehow that mindset reminds me terribly of another product in which practically anyone, everyone, their dog and mom were bound to be "In the first batch, yay!" - whether they hopped on board long after the first passengers or not. And that one also sold for half the price, less than production costs.
impending campaign? virtual reality goggles help you experience things as never before! (they're just glasses with yellow tints, or something.)
I am very dissapoint. Risk too high. Cannot join crowdfund.

With trackpoint, and 2 micro-sd it would be poifekt.

But sexiness factor is above 2.3 gorillion. What do. Argh.
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I read somewhere that they were trying to get the keyboard to act as a touchpad, like with onther device which I forget. They were talking about whter the tech could be licensed from the other company or something.
maybe it's a square -- fast, cheap, real, quality ;)

then we at least should have quality and real going for the pyra ;D
i was just wondering today, what the 4d version of a tetrahedron would look like.
I don't see how they can still be at the planning stage and get it shipping by November.