picodrive changes by itself the tv-out configuration.


Active Member
Feb 13, 2010

i have a composite connexion between the pandora and my tv.

so i set the tv-out configuration with "composite" and "layer" parameters.

it works very well with PCSX for example, but when i launch the picodrive emulator, it doesn't display colors it is only black&white.

when i come back to the desktop and check the tv-out configuration, i realize that the parameters have been changed to "s-video".

so i can't play it with colors because i dont use s-video wire.

my question is, how to do to force picodrive to use my settings?

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If you have SZ 1.52 or later, you have to update your firmware (system->upgrade pandora OS). That will also fix configbutton.

It looks like I unintentionally ended up relying on that update in PD, hmm..
First have you ran the latest updates with "Update Pandora OS"? A recent update adds a change where it respects the chosen profile settings.

Ninjad by notaz..
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i have zaxon 1.55 it is the last, isn't it?

i add that the problem appears only with picodrive^^
ok i have updated.

now the composite is ok but the layer changes to "main" :o
ok thanks it helps. :)
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