Phone software?


Hardcore Member
May 29, 2010
Will it come with software in the NAND for making and receiving telephone calls? ED said the voice lines will be connected, so it can be used as a phone.
Will it come with software in the NAND for making and receiving telephone calls? ED said the voice lines will be connected, so it can be used as a phone.
I don't know whether or not it will ship with that, but I suspect that this will be a very high-priority community project if no existing software can be used.
Waiting will be fun, but perhaps not for very long.  I'm just as hopeful someone confident will install another speaker and microphone to the bottom of their case just as quickly, so that by knowing a working position we can print or mill our custom cases with vents and holes in the right locations.
It doesn't seem like it would be difficult to just hold the open Pyra up to your face.
Will it come with software in the NAND for making and receiving telephone calls? ED said the voice lines will be connected, so it can be used as a phone.
I don't know whether or not it will ship with that, but I suspect that this will be a very high-priority community project if no existing software can be used.
I recommend a shell script that uses Zenity and just sends Hayes commands to the telephone chip. As for receiving phone calls, just have a similar one always running in the background, and an XFCE notification could pop up with the number/contact that is calling, along with an accept and decline button.

That can be done with shell scripting, right?
I'm sure, yeah. I just like Zenity, it fascinates me. I suppose I'm easily amused, I spent an hour just playing with it.
Why? It's useful for things like the ISO optical drive thing, and passing the SD cards through to another computer.
Zenity does neither of that. Zenity is a way to quickly hack up a GUI for shellscripts. It's an eyesore, and the current os is pretty much 95% Zenity crap on the UI-part...
If someone makes a good C or C++ library for handling the phoney part along with some solution for handling the full duplex realtime audio on pandora hw making a pretty UI using something like QtQuick2 (maybe employing panorama as a middleman) is a small thing to do.
Zenity does neither of that. Zenity is a way to quickly hack up a GUI for shellscripts. It's an eyesore, and the current os is pretty much 95% Zenity crap on the UI-part...
It does though. Both of those programs are written as shell scripts. The only way to give them a GUI was Zenity. I like how Zenity works, I think it's fine.
I was surprised when I first poked about the Pandora's scripts to find out how much of it was driven by Zenity calls. It's not that ugly in the main part, although there are a few spots where it does things you wouldn't do if you could have proper dynamic windows. I wouldn't be too sorry to see it all go to be replaced by proper gui-driven tools though.
They could use code from QtMoko or somesuch. That looks pretty complete, and they'd likely not have to change much.
I think when it comes out, I will try to write a shell script that interfaces with the modem to monitor for incoming calls, and use the notification thread to pop up two buttons, one for accept and one for decline, and another script for making calls, that would just ask you to input a number.

I could write it fairly quickly, and then we'd have one until something prettier comes along.

I'd have to use shell scripting. I don't think I can write a phone interface in COBOL, and that's the only other language I know any of. And not enough to do much of anything useful either.
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