I didn't know I rubbed you at all. I will try to keep my hands to myself.
Then I utterly misunderstood the tone of your posts.
Yeah, like I said, I misunderstood your one about kids and their toys or whatever it said, even with the post about an old man yelling at the clouds. You tried to make it obvious, and I still missed it. I sometimes try to make it unclear.
As I said above, I will call people out on their statement if they offend me. Otherwise I might as well join the facebook crowd and post things about myself to myself all day. Rather then insinuating, that I should not bring up potentially offensive topics, you should maybe check your wording a little better. Especially because this is an international forum and a lot of members are not native English speakers (such as myself), or deal with some of your posts being misunderstood and then rectifying it by explaining/debating like we are doing right now.
It's all good. Tone was way more aggressive back on gp32x, have a look at some topics from 2006/2007.
I try to push the line, sometimes intentionally into offensive areas (check the most recent bad joke I posted). When I do that it is nearly always not intended to be serious (although I do stupidly do it sometimes to make people think and question their own thoughts/beliefs and actions), and it is supposed to be obviously uncouth, such as insulting friends as a greeting. I didn't do any of that here, as I was more trying to go for the self-deprecating angle, as I explained. But hey, if I offended people I offended people, it happens. Regardless of how I feel, it is probably a better thing to call out perceived injustice rather than let it slide, so thanks.
I could check my wording...but I won't. Well, maybe a little better. With the exception of typos and errors caused by autocorrection, I am very particular about phrasing. Still, it is rather hypocritical to make an ageist comment/joke, then complain when people continue on about age, and get upset about ageism. Then again, hypocrisy definitely has a place, unless we don't wish to make things better for those that come after us (NOT ageism!
). I do often try to explain myself, and am fine accepting responsibility when I cause confusion, intentional or not, and especially so when I fuck up. So, yeah, sorry if I made you, or anyone, feel bad, or like you were too young or old. Should I add a preemptive apology to my signature? I do sometimes consider trying E-Prime, however I feel it drains the flavor from communication, and would ruin some things. Damn, now I want to go look for poems and songs that have been "translated" to E-Prime.
And back in 06/07 my interaction with this scene was extremely limited and mostly took place in meatspace. I was following some homebrew stuff at the time, so there was a little overlap, but I don't recall lurking around gp32x much, or at all, until maybe the end of that period, whenever the Pandora first caught my attention (not sure where I was following all that). At the time I would have been significantly harsher, and not noticed it as much, due to people I interacted with (not an excuse).
But let's not make this another caring corner. Maybe it could be the uncaring corner, or the IDGAF gutter.
Mods, we won't be
bedding needing you here.
So no one here really likes spinners, huh? What about other little things designed to be messed with? Anyone know of any good newish (affordable) pocket sized puzzles?