Sorry I'm late on this, I just today looked at last couple updates PGS made on their blog, that were posted in this thread a few weeks ago.
This one part really stood out to me:
Our device is the world's first hybrid based on two SoCs of different architectures; it is able to provide unique gaming experience on both Windows and Android platforms.
I just love this, it shows again how incredibly clueless they are. I mean, just thinking about it..
- There have been devices that can run Windows and Android and there have even been ones with x86 + ARM SoCs back when the x86 SoCs had terrible power efficiency, like the Fujitsu LOOX F-07C
- It makes no sense whatsoever now when the Atom SoC they've specced can run Android fine and without terrible efficiency
- In addition to the second SoC they would need at the very least separate RAM and quite likely some other peripherals that are too hard to mux properly. Maybe also a separate PMIC. There'd be a huge increase in PCB footprint (on what's already very size sensitive) and cost for a feature probably nobody wants.
- The complexity of the entire thing goes through the roof on a project that's already too hard for them.
They keep showing they are more like daydreaming children than real engineers...