Pc Fucked - Hellp

Why the fuck does it have to be like uve got to get some instrument to force it into position though? Couldnt it be tightened in place once its locked on... i mean pc components cost alot of money... humans are free.
Why the fuck does it have to be like uve got to get some instrument to force it into position though? Couldnt it be tightened in place once its locked on... i mean pc components cost alot of money... humans are free.

Just be careful! I've done hundreds of them and never damaged anything...

all about taking your time!
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fans are much easier to put on now than they used to be. I bought a new one a few months ago and the difference is staggering. My old fan the 'bridge' was really, really tight and the slot for the screwdriver was unbelievably small and easily slipped out of. I almost broke two mother boards putting it on :o
Why the fuck does it have to be like uve got to get some instrument to force it into position though? Couldnt it be tightened in place once its locked on... i mean pc components cost alot of money... humans are free.

Just be careful! I've done hundreds of them and never damaged anything...

all about taking your time!
hundreds? LOL
About the AMD64, is it really that much better?
The "normal" win home edition is 32 bits, so can u then really use the 64 bits?
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What type of graphics card do you have in that PC of yours? 'Driver irq less than or not equal' is often brought on by an error with the graphics card.
Is this any good for gaming?

I'm thinking paired with a 6600GT, mainly aimed at playing HL2. What do you think?

EDIT: Should I get a PCI Express board or will a PCI one be suffecient?
anyone know how a 6600gt will perform with 4*AGP? My motherboard only supports up to 4*AGP and has no PCI-E slot. Would i just be better off getting a grafix card designed for 4*AGP?