
Two regressions:

- PandoraAttached is not getting a context to get the runtime object from anymore, so the controls bug is back.
- Fullscreen does not work. Not with the key combo, not with the setting.

I'll try to sort these out now.
So I fixed some things that I caused this morning, and also the fullscreen toggle code.

Also, I moved target/ to the root of the repository, and added INSTALL targets for when the code is compiled in release mode.

Can somebody review the code now before I do 0.1.1? :P
Took a while to find that I need to set CONFIG+=debug to run panorama on desktop without installing :)

Full screen toggle works, but fullscreen setting doesn't. Probably because the onValueChanged hasn't been wired yet when the settings are loaded.

Oh, and remember to pull my fix before tagging.
Next steps:
  • Add those configuration plugin things
  • Extend root.qml so that you can pull up a "panorama system menu" where you can switch UI, change global settings, etc.
  • Fix panorama button handling so that you can have per-item focus within an UI
  • Add standard widgets, in .../plugins/ but in pure QML, that can be reused.
You guys are just great. This is getting better and better. Altough I can't test Magma, as always black screen. The Magma directory is in the interfaces dir, and mouse and keyboard are responding, so its no crash. But that fine for me Simplicty is my favourite - too bad that the new features aren't integrated.

Is there any easy way to 'autostart' panorama yet?
^ Magma thing looks like a regression from old-style imports. Fixed.

No autostart yet, but I could look into it if people want it at this stage.
It probably is worth looking into (the autostart that is). And howsabout coding an interface editor (or at the very least, include a blank template file and a tutorial)? Or am I asking too much?
An editor (I assuma you're talking about a graphical editor), would be a huge task. Nokia have started work on a graphical QML editor in Qt Creator (old article with a video to show you what I'm talking about), but even with it you have to drop down to textual scripting every once in a while. So much is possible with QML that a graphical editor would be hard pressed to do it justice. Just look at flash: even with professionally created multi-million budget tools you still end up doing ActionScript at some point :). Graphical editors just aren't as expressive. On the other hand Qt Creator also contains an awesome text-based QML editor, which hels you with autocorrect, suggestions and integrated documentation.

What kind of tutorial would you like? I can create something like "this is how you create a simple launcher with panorama" to show how to do one start to finish, explaining every step, but eventually you'll just need to learn QML to make it into what you want it to be.

A blank template file? Well, here's just about the simplest ui.qml file, that just shows a blue screen :P

import Qt 4.7
import Panorama.UI 1.0

PanoramaUI {
    id: ui
    name: "My UI"
    description: "My Awesome UI"
    author: "B-ZaR"
    anchors.fill: parent
    Rectangle {
        anchors.fill: parent
        color: "blue"
Every UI in the project contains a qmlproject file. Open this file with QtCreator, and you at least get access to word completion and syntax checking, and can learn from those.


Thanks for this new release :)

I'm too stupid to understand your git commits, so could you please give us a quick changelog of what happened "under the hood" for this new version ?

Bye, and thanks again, Magic Sam
New features (0.0-0.1.1):
  • We now support a plugin architecture. Want your UI to do something that Panorama doesn't support? Write a plugin in C++ for it.
  • All prior functionality has been moved into plugins. The Panorama core is very small, and everything else is loaded when needed.
  • Faster icon scanning and loading.
  • Faster application loading.
  • Better settings handling; settings are saved less frequently, and in a better location.
  • We now support Pandora controls for navigating UIs
  • Switched to the raster rendering backend, and optimized for software rendering. This means that the application runs without GPU acceleration, but still as fast as possible.
  • Moved a lot of the program logic into QML code.
  • Fixed bugs:

In other news:
This branch:
contains the upcoming changes for the "control plugin" architecture for v0.2, which will let you access various system controls (such as the master volume, CPU freq, etc, more easily)
dflemstr said:
This branch:
contains the upcoming changes for the "control plugin" architecture for v0.2, which will let you access various system controls (such as the master volume, CPU freq, etc, more easily)

Excellent work, folks. Where can I download the PND?

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