Release Pandysea (Odyssey 2 Emulator) released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
And here is the next emulator for a classic system: Pandysea, and Odyssey 2 Emulator (based on o2em).


It's not much different from the o2em version we already had - just a lot more polished.
Put your roms wherever you like, put the bios into /pandora/appdata/pandysea/bios/

Voice emulation is included, no additional setup or config needed.

All games should work fine, except for 2-Player-Games, as I routed the controls to both joysticks at the same time (some games use the second stick for controls).


If this causes any issues for you or you want to play 2-Player games, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Now, enjoy a few classics and recommend your favourites in this thread :)

Download: Pandysea
Hmm, what's the md5sum if your bios? I am using exactly the one I used from o2em.
Haven't tried it yet since Pandora is not with me at the moment, but could it be that it needs both versions (i.e., uppercase and lower case of the bios)?  This was my issue with Colem on my Ext4 formatted card.
Hmm, shouldn't. If it doesn't find the rom, it checks using md5sum whether it finds it and gives it the proper name.
CRC32: 8016A315

MD5: 562D5EBF9E030A40D6FABFC2F33139FD

SHA-1: B2E1955D957A475DE2411770452EFF4EA19F4CEE


this is the bios I use on o2em and it works fine ...Bud
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I'm using the same Odyssey 2's bios file used by O2EM (which works on it), with the same MD5 number recommended by the Pandysea (number given by md5sum on the Pandora's terminal). But ANY try of run a rom file results on immediate return to PickleLauncher! It happened on Super Zaxxon 1.6 and even after the update to 1.62 RC! Is there a trick to make the Pandysea work?
Thanks a lot, Levi!! The log really was in /tmp. Mr. EvilDragon, as requested, I'm posting the output log of the Pandysea. File extension changed from *.out to *.txt, otherwise this site doesn't allow the post.



  • pndrun_pandysea.txt
    2.7 KB · Views: 345
I too am having issues with this one..  Tired multiple bios files..  After selecting the game, just reboots to the game selection.
I need to find some time for fixing this - will most probably happen during christmas :)
This one is clearly not working (I have the same output asJulil3on). Is there a fix? Bios is correct (works fine in o2em)

Problem seems to be in this part
/bin/sh: cd: line 1: can't cd to /media/GAMES/o2em/
Oh, weird. I'll look at that and will try to fix it tonight.

Sent from my XT1650-03 using Tapatalk
After having a talk with @b_o_b i decided to take a look at Pandysea emulator that was not working good.
I recompiled the ED sources with latest Codeblocks pnd and added the latest release of PickleLauncher (thanks again @Pickle ).
Next i saw that Voices sounds was not loaded and after renaming to lowercase the directory it worked.

Next thing fixed is saving screenshot, now is possible to save how many screenshots (in .bmp format) you want, as the emu will save a progression of this files (dump00.bmp dump01.bmp and so on). It's possible to change and save in .tga and .pcx format (look at o2em_def.cfg inside appdata/pandysea) and changed the extension, but my test with .tga format progression didn't happened so it only saved only one dump00.tga.

Talking again with b_o_b that wanted to enable the savestates (he was working on the other release of o2em with Pandafe) and we fixed the savestate support on both.
Now it save a savestate with the same name of the rom loaded, so we could have so many save in the same directory, but only one for every game, after you load the game pressing at any time the Left Shoulder Button it load the corresponding savestate, and of course pressing Right Shoulder you overwrite the previous savestate, so take look at it.

The only thing that i wasn't able to fix is Highscore (i don't really get how it could get enabled) if anyone have a good suggestion...let me know.

In the previous release ED forgot to specify some of the keys used here is the list of keys:
D-Pad: Joystick
X: Fire Button
START: Pause Game

ESC or F12: Quit Emulator
SELECT: Reset emulator
F8 : take screenshot
RControl (DX Shoulder button): Save a Savestate
RShift (SX Shoulder button): Load a Savestate
F6 Highscore

I also changed the PXML file with this, and it should be ready for the repo.

It will be great if ED find the time to upload it to the repo (this and the JzIntv pnd), in meantime i attach the pnd here.

As ED had updated the repo...i deleted the pnd here.if you want to download go to
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Thanks Farox, works perfectly. Finally a working and polished Videopac/Odyssey2 emulator on the Pandora. Until now we still had a better version on the GP2X. Nice to have it working with almost all options available and Picklelauncer is a lot more convenient than a zenity file laucher.
Might try to test high-score options later but not sure if it is worth anyone's time tbh.

Emulates an old system that competed with the Atari 2600 beginning of the 80's. Bunch of crap titles, but still some games that are worth playing today.

Now, enjoy a few classics and recommend your favourites in this thread :)

Some recommendations ED asked for in 2014 :)

K.C. Munchkin, great Pac-Man clone. Very smooth control and rapid gameplay. My favorite pac-man version for a short gaming burst.

Killer Bees. Unique little game. You're a swarm of killer bees and need to kill evil beebots, some strategy involved (pattern recognition and timing of beam shots) and you need good reflexes. Gets quite frantic after a while.
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