Pandora Pandora's Emus On Iphone 3g S?


Active Member
Feb 29, 2008
Since the iPhone 3G S has the same OMAP-3something ARM CPU will we see 1:1-ports (adapted to the iPhone's lower resolution) of emulators for Pandora on it?

I'm especially interested in Amiga-emulation. UAE4All using the 68k asm core "Cyclone" - will it work on the iPhone, too?

edit: Just found out the iPhone 3G S has the chipset "Samsung SoC S5PC100" and not "TI OMAP 3430" yet also has the same CPU (ARM Cortex A8) and GPU.
The "Palm Pre" has the TI OMAP 3430.

Still Cyclone should work?

And what about the Palm Pre - do you think it'll see "homebrew"?
iPhone and most other portable devices were already using ARM CPUs, having a Cortex-A8 doesn't make that much of a difference in terms of instruction set. Cyclone was written for older ARM CPUs and should have no problem working on most handhelds.

Unfortunately webOS isn't really an open platform right now, to the best of my knowledge. You can run webapps but we all know that doesn't really mean anything. You can also emulate classic Palm apps if you buy the app for it, but again that doesn't amount to very much for new things. In order to develop native software for it you have to be a "trusted" third party.

If they want to keep dreaming about being competitive with iPhone then they'll probably end up doing an app store sort of thing that anyone can develop for.
You might find this 3GS post from Zodttd interesting:

And on the Palm Pre:

But man, for a hacker, the Pre is incredible. As mentioned, it runs unsigned firmware and has a root shell over USB when in developer mode (you can use the Konami cheat code to enable dev mode, too); you can do whatever the hell you like to the OS! The entire UI and all the apps are written in javascript, which in essence means the source code is available for you to modify at will, without recompiling anything. Even better, you can write C/C++ native Linux apps for it that draw directly to the framebuffer, as the recent Doom port shows.
The entire UI and all the apps are written in javascript
You beat me to mentioning the Pre root... but this is news to me actually (not that I have a pre or will ever find myself affording one, i tend to like simple cell phones). As someone who likes to separate my devices from everyone elses... that's actually a pretty friendly (as inefficient as it may or may not be) way to handle a skinning engine. That combined with the Konami code I almost think pre engineers wanted us to screw with everything, even if that wasn't marketing idea.
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Nice. So both devices look very interesting.

Now if Zodttd makes his iControlPad ready to go into production and the 3GS is jailbroken I will buy an iPhone...
You might be able to use Gentoo Prefix to get Pandora's emus to work in the iPhone/Pre...

javaJake, one of the Gentoo Pandora Devs, has been using this on his new Macbook Pro to allow installation of gentoo linux packages from the portage system using his existing OS's libraries, etc. Gentoo allows this since you can compile everything from source anyway and Gentoo Prefix (from my limited knowledge) installs itself in a non-standard location and maps itself to your existing OS. He has some success with this, but he also has mentioned that it has its problems.

As far as emus from the Pandora library... Gentoo Pandora Project has built the base for a Pandora community overlay (which is a custom software map) to incorporate homebrew and custom software which can then be installed/utilized on our Gentoo Pandora images. To get software ported from Angstrom to Gentoo would require rewriting each .bb to a .ebuild, which is not easy, but not time consuming either.

A truely see this as a likely way to get Pandora's community software onto other platforms without the need to modify each software on a case-by-case basis.

; you can do whatever the hell you like to the OS! The entire UI and all the apps are written in javascript, which in essence means the source code is available for you to modify at will, without recompiling anything. Even better, you can write C/C++ native Linux apps for it that draw directly to the framebuffer, as the recent Doom port shows.
Guess the Wikipedia node is just flat out wrong on this one.
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But man, for a hacker, the Pre is incredible. As mentioned, it runs unsigned firmware and has a root shell over USB when in developer mode (you can use the Konami cheat code to enable dev mode, too"]; you can do whatever the hell you like to the OS! The entire UI and all the apps are written in javascript, which in essence means the source code is available for you to modify at will, without recompiling anything. Even better, you can write C/C++ native Linux apps for it that draw directly to the framebuffer, as the recent Doom port shows.
Guess the Wikipedia node is just flat out wrong on this one.[/quote]Unfortunately I'm a Verizon customer and we wont get the Pre for at least another 6 months, I have however been following the hacking being done on the Pre, and its pretty exciting. webOS is linux-based (I believe built with OE like Angstrom) and other then the file/directory structure should be fairly familiar with anyone that has spent time with a linux distro. The following site is a good place to get started: We have had some success with people's interest with using the Gentoo Pandora image on the Pre, but I doubt anyone is willing to do anything until a bit more is documentated and recovery is assured.
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way to handle a skinning engine.

Ever try Ubuntu on an underpowered netbook? Webpages render real snappy, but there's horrible graphical lag if you actually move a window, or do any interactions with X11. :P

Long gone are the days when a GUI would run great on a 133mhz. Things have gotten so bloated.
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As someone who likes to separate my devices from everyone elses... that's actually a pretty friendly (as inefficient as it may or may not be"] way to handle a skinning engine.

Ever try Ubuntu on an underpowered netbook? Webpages render real snappy, but there's horrible graphical lag if you actually move a window, or do any interactions with X11. :P

Long gone are the days when a GUI would run great on a 133mhz. Things have gotten so bloated.[/quote]... I'm aware that X isn't a proper solution, I just don't see javascript being as efficient as a somewhat optimized native system. As for X I personally feel it should have been either replaced or re-factored a long time ago as the desktop *nix standard. It wasn't ever really designed to be a desktop windowing system, and therefore it scales poorly for that type of system. Though if you want network graphical terminals which is what it was designed for It's not all that bad. Honestly I don't think it was ever meant to render for more then a few small applications at a time, as opposed to the dozens of coexisting applications that a full desktop environment forces it to handle at any given time... plus whatever else you need to run which is often a fairly complicated render. Just throw in compositing engines and all that mess of crap X11 was never intended to support in the first place and you've got one interesting pool of software I'll never wholistically understand.

Plus from my experience major java projects never really renders all that snappy (with things like your given example of dragging a window in say a heavy AJAX system like meebo).

But alas, you can ignore me because I can't really say X (or windowing systems, or javascript) is something that's in my main field of study... so I'm prolly off base with alot of my analysis of them anyway.
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