Pandora Web Browser


Mar 3, 2008
Second time poster here. I think there was a post I read that said that firefox 3 was running full speed at 720p. Is this correct? I have been using MicroB on Maemo on my n800, and while it does lack many of the features of a full Firefox build, it has excellent screen real estate management, as well as flash 9 support (Is this a separate plug-in, or part of the browser? Even if we could not get MicroB, a simulacrum browser would be nice for light youtube, mail checking, stuff like that. So, does anyone know what the final browser is, or if the Pandora even has one? Also, I have heard people say that the homepage should be a Pandora repository. However...We are all good humored people, right? In addition, the kind of people buying the Pandora would get a kick out of a good homepage, and this would be a perfect time to show that the Pandora does not fit with the commercial regime, as no other commercial company would ever have such controversial homepage. Here is a rough draft for how the Pandora home page should look: [Joke Removed]
I know a lot of people would like a more conventional homepage, but they could always change it!
CraigX making this the homepage=EPIC WIN!
Also... :pandora1: :pandora1: :pandora1: :pandora1: :pandora2: :pandora2: :pandora2: :pandora1: :pandora1: :pandora2: :pandora2: :pandora2: :pandora1: :pandora1: :pandora1: :pandora1: :pandora2: :rolleyes:

There is a key on the keyboard called 'Enter', and sometimes 'Return'. It adds spaces between your sentences, so that your post looks more like legible text, and less like a wall of text.

I politely decline your suggestion of making the homepage a Rick Roll vid. :P
geo12 said:
palmertech said:
...rough draft for how the Pandora home page should look: Rough Draft of Pandora Homepage

Sigh, isn't this joke old yet?

Aww, you ruined it! :P Yes, it is an old joke, but still a classic. Imagine if someone on this forum said "Sigh, why do people even care about N64 emulation, that system is so old now".

Seriously, I would laugh SO hard if I open my new Pandora, turn it on, and get greeted by that page! :D A more realistic proposition would be to have it in the bookmarks as "N64 Emulator download". When I got my N800, it came with all these pre-installed bookmarks for myspace and websites about conserving the enviroment.

But seriously, my thread does have some valid questions that I would love to have answered.
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palmertech said:
I would laugh SO hard if I open my new Pandora, turn it on, and get greeted by that page! :D
What a warped sense of humor you have. I'd be p*ssing annoyed if I was greeted by that every time I turned it on.


A more realistic proposition would be to have it in the bookmarks as "N64 Emulator download".

Yup, that's what you need for unlimited commercial sucess: A load of bookmarks that are named totally inappropriately. Why not go the whole hog and lable all the keyboard keys incorrectly, and have the analogue sticks fall out the unit as son as you touch it? Sod emulators, homebrew games and productivity apps... just give me a £200 box of lame jokes!


When I got my N800, it came with all these pre-installed bookmarks for myspace and websites about conserving the enviroment.

That seems perferctly valie. A bit hippieish for my liking but at least it's doing something productive. I don't see how this at all relates to your lame idea of a joke.


But seriously, my thread does have some valid questions that I would love to have answered.

Firefox 3 runnig full speed at 720p?
Not likelt because the screen can't manage that resolution, no can the TV Out, and there is no VGA out.

Is flash a separate application/plugin to the browser?
Yes it is, and until recently it would have been massively unlikely that we'd have seen it on the pandora due to adobe's licenicng policies. They're relaxed them massively now and the standards are open for anybody to create a player. Presumably somebody will give it a go at somepoint,
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"That one statement ignited my rage; I saw my hands moving, but I didn't realize that it was a knife in my hand. I didn't mean for it to end this way, but getting Rick' Roll'd every five seconds pushed me to the brink". - An Anonymous Hero
home page should be google, craig and co could have a custom homepage like firefox has and take revenue from each google search made from a pandora.
Setting a homepage from the factory with adwords is just bad form.

Don't bother setting a homepage at all. Pandora users are not the type to blindly use whatever home page came set on their computer because they can't figure out how to change it. Everybody has their own preferences and if you set a homepage it will be changed on 90% of units within minutes.
A lot of people use google. Shipping with Firefox 3, Adblock Plus and as the homepage would be just fine.
Snu said:
Xmoon said:
Will Opera be a possibility in Pandora?
oh come on, its not hard to do a forum search for 'opera', is it?

I've done that now, thanks.

I thought that some kind of linux version of Opera would work in Pandora.
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Snu said:
Xmoon said:
Will Opera be a possibility in Pandora?
oh come on, its not hard to do a forum search for 'opera', is it?

Maybe he prefers human-human interaction facilitated by machine to human-machine interaction. Which would be odd.
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teggun said:
home page should be google, craig and co could have a custom homepage like firefox has and take revenue from each google search made from a pandora.


Leave google out of this. It has NOTHING to o with Pandora

Oh hell I'm bored of repeating myself. If we're going the corporate-whore route why not just install Windows as default. It could provide a lot more than Google *ever* could.

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Pleng said:
Oh hell I'm bored of repeating myself. If we're going the corporate-whore route why not just install Windows as default. It could provide a lot more than Google *ever* could.
Google gives you money. Microsoft takes it away. Therefore, Google gives you more ;)
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Pleng said:


Leave google out of this. It has NOTHING to o with Pandora

Oh hell I'm bored of repeating myself. If we're going the corporate-whore route why not just install Windows as default. It could provide a lot more than Google *ever* could.

Why? It doesn't hurt anyone, if profits and losses aren't gained and covered respectively there will be no more production runs of the Pandora. Which means you will have 3100 Pandora's in existence and regardless of how amazing the system is there won't be enough users and (more importantly) developers to support it and the potential of the Pandora will never be fully realised. If the Pandora were to fail there would be bigger repercussions in the long run- who will implement this sort of idea again if it has failed the first time? No one will take that risk. Sony, Nintendo, MS, Apple and co. will have the market all to themselves to compete in, there won't even be a niche product as an alternative.

Craig etc. do not have the option of to sell after market products like Sony/Nintendo do. They should take every opportunity to exploit the Pandora's resources as a product without compromising what it stands for. Setting up a system similar to the one incorporated by Firefox is a great idea IMO.
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It's not like you will only be able to use Google as your search engine, you will of course be able to change it to whatever you want in the preferences. I do think however that there needs to be a default, and Google is an excellent choice.
Squidge said:
Google gives you money. Microsoft takes it away. Therefore, Google gives you more ;)
Google summer of code is a prime example.

Squidge said:
It's not like you will only be able to use Google as your search engine, you will of course be able to change it to whatever you want in the preferences. I do think however that there needs to be a default, and Google is an excellent choice.

And if money happens to come the developers' way, no harm done.
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