Pandora Touch Screen


Still Fresh
Apr 21, 2008
well now my question is will the pandora screen scratch as easy as the ds? (i haved a ds lite a year ago i let my friends play on it and the touch screen was massive scratched! i bought another one and i never let anybody play on it i play it softly.. even i avoided to use the touch screen the most possible, always played metroid with the buttoms and it still scratched!!!! i buyed a screen protector and that was the ony solution for me so dont tell me that ds wont scratch if i touched decently....

so i wanna know if the pandora will have screen protectors or it will be as strong as ipod touch screen

maybe this video is fake... i really dont know lol

and sorry for my english im latin..
edwin henoc said:
well now my question is will the pandora screen scratch as easy as the ds? (i haved a ds lite a year ago i let my friends play on it and the touch screen was massive scratched! i bought another one and i never let anybody play on it i play it softly.. even i avoided to use the touch screen the most possible, always played metroid with the buttoms and it still scratched!!!! i buyed a screen protector and that was the ony solution for me so dont tell me that ds wont scratch if i touched decently....

so i wanna know if the pandora will have screen protectors or it will be as strong as ipod touch screen

maybe this video is fake... i really dont know lol

and sorry for my english im latin..

I have played my DS Lite vigorously since I got it at launch. I have yet to see any kind of scratch in the bottom or top screen.

Also Pandora. :pandora1: :pandora2:
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I've had mine since the US launch and don't have scratches on the screen and it's been used almost daily since.

Put the diamond tipped stylus away and play with a normal one :P
Viking said:
I have played my DS Lite vigorously since I got it at launch. I have yet to see any kind of scratch in the bottom or top screen.
The technology must've been updated since the original DS (which, in my opinion, looks better...) because I've got scratches all over the dern thing.
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Isn't the Ipod Touche's screen covered by glass instead of plastic like the DS's? Sure, it's more durable, but you'd better not drop it ;) Just make sure you put on a screen protector and you should be fine.
I use (usually Hori) screen protectors on all my TS devices.

Not a scratch on any of my screens.

With Pandora, you might be able to use a PSP protector since the size is comparable (4.3").
Prophet said:
With Pandora, you might be able to use a PSP protector since the size is comparable (4.3").
The screens have different aspect ratios so I dont think you can. Screen protectors are cheap though so it shouldn't be anything to worry about :)

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Craig says the Pandora LCD panel is the same one used in the Archos Wifi. He didn't say exactly which Archos Wifi, but a quick google search shows screen protectors available for all models. No need for panic :P

I've been using a touchscreen smartphone for almost 2 years without any sort of screen protector and it still looks practically new. I've had several other touchscreen devices over the years (including a DS lite) and have never had a problem. I'm not even that careful about it. Frankly, I don't think touchscreens are nearly as delicate as people think. You just have to refrain from doing blatantly stupid things to them.
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Chip said:
You just have to refrain from doing blatantly stupid things to them.
I do stupidly blatant things to touchscreens all the time.


It may be dumb to be that obvious and loud about what I'm doing - but it doesn't hurt the screen any.
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chad78 said:
It may be dumb to be that obvious and loud about what I'm doing - but it doesn't hurt the screen any.
You know what I meant. Touchscreens are fine as long as you don't use a rusty nail as a stylus, throw the device in your pocket with your keys, poke at it with grimy fingers, use it as a small spade for digging in the sand, etc.
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Chip said:
You just have to refrain from doing blatantly stupid things to them.
Tell that to Elite Beat Agents (Nintendo DS). That game practially forces you to do stupid things to your touch screen. It's easy to keep a touch screen from being scratched if you're doing simple things like navigating menus, but during a heated gaming session you tend to apply too much pressure and... shit happens.

(P.S. the image belongs to m-.-n. Source.)
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Shiny said:
during a heated gaming session you tend to apply too much pressure and... shit happens.

SO many problems... where to begin?
  1. That's a pretty intense game of X-Term you got going there!
  2. Elite Beat Agents = DS Game ... DS Game ≠ playable on the GP2X - any of the versions... and speaking of versions...
  3. That's a GP2X First Edition - not a F200.... There is no touchscreen! So why would anyone be applying pressure to the screen at all?
  4. It's Shopped! The shadows are all wrong.
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chad78 said:
SO many problems... where to begin?
  1. That's a pretty intense game of X-Term you got going there!
  2. Elite Beat Agents = DS Game ... DS Game ≠ playable on the GP2X - any of the versions... and speaking of versions...
  3. That's a GP2X First Edition - not a F200.... There is no touchscreen! So why would anyone be applying pressure to the screen at all?
  4. It's Shopped! The shadows are all wrong.
I was exaggerating. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

1. Yar! (:
2. Just because the pandora won't have Elite Beat Agents doesn't mean it won't have its own touch screen intensive games.
3. I couldn't find a picture of an F200 with a broken screen.
4. That's not my image; take it up with m-.-n (:

*added source to original post*
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Ipod touch screens aren't THAT indestructuble, mine is scratched to oblivion. And remember, you only use fingers on an ipod touch. Then again, I've also managed to BEND mine, to the point that a bunch of pixels now stick. I hope the pandora is a little tougher. Resilient plastic as opposed to dentable metal would be one bonus. Also: :pandora1: :pandora2:
well i think my pandora wont scratch that much because i will only use the touch screen to select icons and browsing the web, games like psx,n64 and older systems doesnt need touch screen, unless theres a nds emulator :blink:
True. I think the nature of the clamshell will also prevent it from being scratched by coins in your pocket and such, so I guess that was a great design choice. NDS sounds kinda out there right now... Where would the second screen go? Off to the side, in miniature, using a button to change focus, perhaps?
Does the pandora have a way of telling if the screen is closed? that would really help with power saving. In fact if it can't i'd consider it a critical flaw.

of coarse if it can't you can always extend one of the keyboard buttons so the screen pushes it down when it's closed...

we have a wide screen on the pandora... maybe both ds screens could go side by side?