I plan to replace...
My laptop, that started malfunctioning last week so I'm looking forward to Pandora to be able to work away from the desktop system.
My NDS, which I had mainly for homebrew. I actually never fully finished any of the programs I started on it, but I have them pictured on my mind and engraved on my soul, and I'm now writing them on Python, which I find more enjoyable than C + libnds. And more portable too.
My Psion 5MX-Pro. I don't use it since almost 3 years. But I used it very much then in those times. Primarily for spreadsheets, docs, PIM, and homebrew in OPL with his built-in interpreter, and nethack... This is the most similar device I've found to those Psions, despite the differences (like the way much better keyboard on the Psion, or the way much better communication possibilities in the Pandora)
I'll also enjoy playing wesnoth, all scummvm adventures, nethack, many spectrum games (my first geek love when I was a kid

)... and I look forward to discover some of the best games that I hope to find recommended for any platform that will run in Pando. (PSX1, Amiga, C64...) Never been much a console-type guy (I only bought NDS so far, and less than a year ago, for homebrewing). But I know the kid that's in me will enjoy also the gaming aspect of this beautiful beast.
My mobile phone with symbian (but only the part of reading text.books and writing python scripts in-the-go, which is slow and painful with a telephone keyboard, and the tiny screen resolution). I intend to use the phone as a HSDPA modem for the Pandora, too
Watching movies, reading ebooks, surfing, calculating, PIM, alone & multiplayer gaming, remotely access to servers, homebrewing & developing, audio player, taking notes & audio recorder maybe...
It will be kind of a machine for everything for me. Even controling DIY stuff, thanks to the 'COMMS' port. Fiuuu. I'm so grateful I discovered it in time for the first batch. It's like pioneering in a golden age... yumm