What is going on with that cat man. All the stuff he did could was trolling, but to a nominal effect, and now his douche-like actions are becoming more apparent to me.
@chad- dude... take a chill pill man, I saw your videos, I understand your views that you expressed in them. You have brought some good ideas to this community, and you done some stuff that I for one appreciate, that people haven't noticed they paid attention they would. At the same time, you know you cant go around here attacking the a mod just because you felt you have been wronged. If I start a topic that I felt was important to me, and it got modified/erased mysteriously; I would check and see if my topic was in the right places, if so, asked the mods civilly. As much as it's not cool for someone to completely erase threads without identifying themselves and saying why; it's not cool going around calling some of the mods cowards.
Please just chill out and be a little more respectful (just a little) and let this be your last ban that you get. If I didn't think positively of you in regards to what you can bring to this forum, then I wouldn't take two minutes of my life to write this.