Pandora Pandora Panic

fusion_power said:
Looks better and better. :)
Will each game have various difficult settings? So for example in the next round it's getting harder and harder or you choose the overall difficulty before the game(s) start. Or have the games only one start setting/difficulty? (Wario Ware had various options how to play the games)

Which input methods onto the Pandora will be supportet at release? Buttons/D-Pad, analog nubs too, Touchscreen?
Yes some of the mini games have added variable difficulties. We will have to keep tweaking to get the balance right, of course. Not every game has differing difficulties, since it's a per mini-game basis.

More settings will come later, for now we just want to get the simple game finished, but certainly more options will come later!

Touchscreen is already implemented in our test builds, it should work on Pandora too. You can navigate the main menu and tapping will make a selection in the mini-game menu. This is more and added feature right now, and TS navigation buttons should be added.
SimpleJoy provides functions which again will use the touchscreen, so touchscreen mini games should be a bit easier to code. We don't have any yet though!
DPAD and buttons are supported. The nubs have prelim support, atm it's a bit tricky to test since you need a USB pad with twin sticks to test on PC. I want to make this a bit simpler, but can't think how to right now. We do have one nub minigame right now though. I will add nubs to my rocket game too.

MarkoeZ said:
fusion_power said:
Looks better and better. :)
Will each game have various difficult settings? So for example in the next round it's getting harder and harder or you choose the overall difficulty before the game(s) start. Or have the games only one start setting/difficulty? (Wario Ware had various options how to play the games)

Which input methods onto the Pandora will be supportet at release? Buttons/D-Pad, analog nubs too, Touchscreen?
Most games increase in difficulty when you reach higher levels. Pong and puchwrestler get faster, distractedmaths has larger equations, joust gets more birds and less time, for jumper im looking into more difficult levels and more tiles moving. So things definately get tougher as you go on.

And most games use the digital pad, doublenubtrouble ofcourse the nubs. Touchscreen would not really be usefull for any of the games currently in PandoraPanic, but that can easily change if someone feels like making one ;)

Wow... he's quick! :P
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So, all my new music toys have arrived. Initially the plan was just to get a MIDI keyboard, audio interface, and software, but then I figured I couldn't leave my guitars out in the cold. So I also grabbed some guitar FX, a DI box, and all manner of shiny cables and connectors.

I've got a lot of new stuff to get my head around, so I don't know if I'll be producing anything useful in the next week or two. Refining Bad Vista's music will be my first task, but I do have things in mind for other mini games as well.

I've been wanting to set up my home studio for a long time. I never thought that a homebrew project like this would be the motivation. :)
Gruso said:
So, all my new music toys have arrived. Initially the plan was just to get a MIDI keyboard, audio interface, and software, but then I figured I couldn't leave my guitars out in the cold. So I also grabbed some guitar FX, a DI box, and all manner of shiny cables and connectors.

I've got a lot of new stuff to get my head around, so I don't know if I'll be producing anything useful in the next week or two. Refining Bad Vista's music will be my first task, but I do have things in mind for other mini games as well.

I've been wanting to set up my home studio for a long time. I never thought that a homebrew project like this would be the motivation. :)
Looks like we have another full blown music composer in Panic ;) good to have you on board!

I've been doing some updating on Jumper, some new stuff in This latest video . Most on the blobs and the level editor. This is a level i used for testing btw, the game is not that easy ;)

The Blobs only kill you when they are in the air, so more can be added :) they jump fairly random though so it's still not easy.

Level editor still looks rough i must add, i have been focusing on functionality up till now, the shiny paint will come later ;) It is also something im not sure about how to implement, it should probably only be used for non ranked games or for a future party mode to keep things fair.

Tiles, background, better blobs are still all much appreciated

Edit: hmm, watching and writing this made me think about a 2 player race to the star version....

Edit 2: i added another enemy type, small cloud hovering up/down right now, added basics in editor as well, i should sleep, late...
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Sorry for bothering you guys, but here's some stupid questions:

Basically what I want to do is update my sprite based on button presses in a certain order, and I don't know whether to do that in the render or the userinput function. Right now I have
if (input.isX())
{ input.update;
if (input.isY())

and so on in my input function.
I'll try to figure this out, but help would be much appreciated.

If somebody has the time, a rough overview over what the main functions (if there are main functions) do or a link to some explanations would be terrific.

Also, I have set up Codeblocks on Debian but my USB joypad doesn't work with my build of the framework (cheap thing, alledgedly compatible to PS3, working (badly) on Windows) and I don't know what keys represent the buttons on my keyboard (are there any?)

I hope I didn't miss anything obvious, if so, please forgive my ignorance.
Wel, i've been flooding this thread a bit with small video updates and additions so i thought it was time i made a DevBlog where i will be posting day to day stuff.

Not much recent news yet, it's mostly my experiences and progress since the first thread on a Minigame project. Although maybe somone finds it an interesting read :)

If i post major updates, ill allso make a post here ofcourse.

Oh and i uploaded a video of a test with the cloud enemies. Level is insanely messy but it was 6 am or something last night. Youtube eats most of the resolution, but i'm also im gonna change the colour of the tiles so the clouds ar clearer.
cat said:

Sorry for bothering you guys, but here's some stupid questions:

Basically what I want to do is update my sprite based on button presses in a certain order, and I don't know whether to do that in the render or the userinput function. Right now I have
if (input.isX())
{ input.update;
if (input.isY())

and so on in my input function.
I'll try to figure this out, but help would be much appreciated.

If somebody has the time, a rough overview over what the main functions (if there are main functions) do or a link to some explanations would be terrific.

Also, I have set up Codeblocks on Debian but my USB joypad doesn't work with my build of the framework (cheap thing, alledgedly compatible to PS3, working (badly) on Windows) and I don't know what keys represent the buttons on my keyboard (are there any?)

I hope I didn't miss anything obvious, if so, please forgive my ignorance.
No bother :)

Hmm, If you want a keypress combo that would work, but if you want one after the other, the input checking just goes way too fast to do it that way, nobody could beat it. You can check for one input, store it in a variable, and check a short time after that if the other button is pushed. But another and probably better way would be to check for buttonpress and then the buttonrelease and then the second buttonpress, but PokeParadox or someone else will have to help you with that. I have not used that yet.

And you don't need a joypad ;) the arrow keys and QWASZX can control everything but DoubleNubTrouble ;)
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ups, sorry, I omitted a loop.
the input check is like this:
drawn.start(); //start a timer

while (drawn.getTicks() < reflextime) //compare to a given int value

if (input.isY())

and so on

I guess this should work :unsure:

geez, I guess it's obvious that I don't have any experience programming games... :lol:

for some reason qwaszx doesnt work for me (german keyboard?) my z (where most other languages have the y) functions as A (at least it shoots in Space invaders), otherwise I don't know.

well, whatever, for testing purposes I'll just use some numbers on my numpad (if I get as far as testing <_< )
Thanks for the help so far
That looks fine, cat. One thing - unless you're actually planning on looping the code in the while loop - change it to an if statement. (Can't really tell if it loops or not from that little snippet.)

if((drawn.getTicks() < reflextime) && (input.isY()))
Changed, thanks!
Rather obvious now you told me, I don't really want the whole game to wait for that countdown. :)
What I've come up with for the sprite-update(just so everyone knows):
I'll define a state variable for the sprite which is changed according to user input and then use this in the render function to decide which sprite to display. I guess there's a more elegant way to do it, but I'll try this for now.
Thanks for your help

Edit: I believe I have to change the whole checking routine to save the previous buttonpresses then because the gameloop would otherwise query for isX() again, so I'll go with MarkoeZ's suggestion (store it in a variable). This whole game loop thing takes some time for me to get used to it.
Well, in windows/linux the keyboard is mapped this way:


#define KEYMAP_A (SDLK_z)
#define KEYMAP_B (SDLK_x)
#define KEYMAP_X (SDLK_a)
#define KEYMAP_Y (SDLK_s)
#define KEYMAP_L (SDLK_q)
#define KEYMAP_R (SDLK_w)

Also, just contact me if you need help with small stuff, i think i was about as far as you just a couple of months ago :)

Edit: blabla late
Minor update to PanicAttack.

Some backgrounds I cobbled together and some new button graphics, courtesy of TheBrainSquid.

I have a somewhat devious idea for the progress meter. It just requires some time. There's a 50/50 chance I'll ever get around to it.

I also still need to add some background music.

Has anybody been able to play PandoraPanic with a real controller? Is it a somewhat reasonable game?


I think we're only a couple of minor tweaks away from a completed Bad Vista soundtrack, once Todd lands back online and gets his PMs. :) So I'm ready to start looking at some other minigames now. I've got ideas brewing for both spaceship games - Battlestar Galactica inspired tribal drums for Invaders, and a cheesy take on Space Odyssey / Space Balls for Rocket Escape.

Feedback on those ideas is welcome of course. If any other games need attention, shout out.
Gruso said:
I think we're only a couple of minor tweaks away from a completed Bad Vista soundtrack, once Todd lands back online and gets his PMs. :) So I'm ready to start looking at some other minigames now. I've got ideas brewing for both spaceship games - Battlestar Galactica inspired tribal drums for Invaders, and a cheesy take on Space Odyssey / Space Balls for Rocket Escape.

Feedback on those ideas is welcome of course. If any other games need attention, shout out.
You may want to chat to Dragons_Slayer, I do believe he has started some music for RocketEscape/Plander,
although it is going to be two mini-games with the rocket, so it may not be a problem.
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PokeParadox said:
Gruso said:
I think we're only a couple of minor tweaks away from a completed Bad Vista soundtrack, once Todd lands back online and gets his PMs. :) So I'm ready to start looking at some other minigames now. I've got ideas brewing for both spaceship games - Battlestar Galactica inspired tribal drums for Invaders, and a cheesy take on Space Odyssey / Space Balls for Rocket Escape.

Feedback on those ideas is welcome of course. If any other games need attention, shout out.
You may want to chat to Dragons_Slayer, I do believe he has started some music for RocketEscape/Plander,
although it is going to be two mini-games with the rocket, so it may not be a problem.

Well, I made something for Plander, just some ambient space sounds, of course Rocket escape needs some kind of catchy, thrilling escape tune, I'm sure Gruso will be able to deliver that! And with that the the problem is solved, yeey :P
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Tozarian said:
unregistered hypercam 2
Yeah!!! free publicity for hypercam!! :P

Seriously, what's the problem? it's a good program and i used the shareware version...

Edit: With all search functions these days: may any of the hypercam guys read this, this is a completely non profit, open source, community effort and we appreciate the free use of it for 30 days. USE HYPERCAM EVERYONE!!!

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To me hypercam just seems so unprofessional. People who play WoW or Runescape like to use it alot.

Go ahead an use it though! I support this project!
Dragons_Slayer said:
Well, I made something for Plander, just some ambient space sounds, of course Rocket escape needs some kind of catchy, thrilling escape tune, I'm sure Gruso will be able to deliver that! And with that the the problem is solved, yeey :P

Catchy, thrilling escape tune. Check.
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Tozarian said:
To me hypercam just seems so unprofessional. People who play WoW or Runescape like to use it alot.

Go ahead an use it though! I support this project!
Weeellllll, we are not professionals, are we? ;) If we start making loads of money with this (which we most probably never will) we wil have smooth captured video's, with sound and presented by a hot babe wearing not so much :P

I used to play wow? :blink:

But thanks for the support!!!


Edit: I wanted to be sure we could use this so i asked, response:


Hi Mark,
I really consider such use of HyperCam legal, even infinitely. The video
posted with HyperCam mark are a good advertising for me. Maybe I should
change the "agreement" text to say this explicitly there, and change the
"Unregistered HyperCam" to something like "Created with HyperCam" to avoid
such misunderstandings. Will think about it, thank you!

Greg Kochaniak, Hyperionics Technology LLC
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Well Niqk_Dude has created some graphics for the robot in Jumper, This is a first draft, arms and head perspective will be changed etc, but looking pretty sweet allready! And some collision checkings in Jumper fixed.

I finally bought a Joypad so i could test DoubleNubTrouble. Speed of the scopes adjusted, and some additions will follow. just copy that for youtube since the links seem to be broken.

Also, PokeParadox is a bit busy right now so you can contact me as well for updates/video's/game additions/whatever :)


Edit: Weird, it really messes up the links
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