Pandora Pandora Panic

keaft said:
Did I hear something about needing a spaceship? My sig has a link the very first link. In that link the very first post has another link. Go to that link and tell me if you like those space ships. Once I find which spaceship (if Trevor wants a spaceship of mine) that Trevor likes I am just going to give the rest of them away. So for now hold off on picking a spaceship but I can make another one if you want.
Thanks but Dragons_Slayer has made lots of sprite for my Rocket minigame already. I do appreciate the offer though.

And update might have to be tomorrow after work, because I'm going to need to sleep early to get up for work tomorrow... :/
A heads up that it also won't contain as many fixes as I would have liked, due repeatedly needing to revert my work to the last version. There are some changes that are not in the last packaged release, however.

EDIT: a youtube video is uploading, but I'm going to bed. I'll link to it when I get chance to! (enterprising individuals will easily find it on my YouTube page once it's down uploading anyway.)
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I checked out the wiki and saw there was a small tutorial for setting up codeblox for linux. Does anyone have a tutorial for a windows version? I looked through the code for Space Invaders and it looks like something I could definitely contribute to if I could get the environment set up without much trouble.
I directed Keaft here to provide some artwork, I hope I didn't give him a bum steer! I had the space invaders game in mind. Unless that artwork is actually final, in which case I've probably deeply offended someone.

I'll be.... over here.
DasFool said:
I checked out the wiki and saw there was a small tutorial for setting up codeblox for linux. Does anyone have a tutorial for a windows version? I looked through the code for Space Invaders and it looks like something I could definitely contribute to if I could get the environment set up without much trouble.
I was just talking about a Windows installing guide yesterday, i guess i'm going to have to make it then. :)

I'll update this post when it's on the wiki.
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MarkoeZ said:
I was just talking about a Windows installing guide yesterday, i guess i'm going to have to make it then. :)

I'll update this post when it's on the wiki.
Awesome, I look forward to it. :)
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ok, windows step by step installing is on the wiki. There might be some things missing since i don't have a test pc here right now, so PLEASE let me know if you run into something so we can make this easy for future users as well.

Good luck!
Gruso said:
I directed Keaft here to provide some artwork, I hope I didn't give him a bum steer! I had the space invaders game in mind. Unless that artwork is actually final, in which case I've probably deeply offended someone.

I'll be.... over here.
I'm so so so sorry. I immediately thought the spaceship was intended for my rocket mini-game, it never occurred that the rocket might be for something else. By all means, I remember that the art in Space Invaders was only intended as placeholder, so sure a nice ship to replace that grey triangle would be useful! :)

MarkoeZ said:
ok, windows step by step installing is on the wiki. There might be some things missing since i don't have a test pc here right now, so PLEASE let me know if you run into something so we can make this easy for future users as well.

Good luck!

Nice work, skimmed over it. Looks correct. :D

PS: Video has been updated with Annotations.
UPDATE: Sorry no update tonight either, I'm just too tired.
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I followed the instruction up until the end and it failed on building the Penjin3D.exe.

I think the problem is that I'm using Vista x64 and the root directory for CodeBlocks is "Program Files (x86)" not "Program Files."

Linking executable: bin\Release\Penjin3D.exe
mingw32-g++.exe: C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\libmingw32.a: No such file or directory
mingw32-g++.exe: C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\libSDLmain.a: No such file or directory
mingw32-g++.exe: C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\libSDL.dll.a: No such file or directory
mingw32-g++.exe: C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\sdlgfx.lib: No such file or directory
mingw32-g++.exe: C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\SDL_image.lib: No such file or directory
mingw32-g++.exe: C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\SDL_mixer.lib: No such file or directory
mingw32-g++.exe: C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\SDL_ttf.lib: No such file or directory

The libraries it can't find are clearly in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\mingw\lib" directory.
DasFool said:
I followed the instruction up until the end and it failed on building the Penjin3D.exe.

I think the problem is that I'm using Vista x64 and the root directory for CodeBlocks is "Program Files (x86)" not "Program Files."

Linking executable: bin\Release\Penjin3D.exe
mingw32-g++.exe: C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\libmingw32.a: No such file or directory
mingw32-g++.exe: C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\libSDLmain.a: No such file or directory
mingw32-g++.exe: C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\libSDL.dll.a: No such file or directory
mingw32-g++.exe: C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\sdlgfx.lib: No such file or directory
mingw32-g++.exe: C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\SDL_image.lib: No such file or directory
mingw32-g++.exe: C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\SDL_mixer.lib: No such file or directory
mingw32-g++.exe: C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\SDL_ttf.lib: No such file or directory
The libraries it can't find are clearly in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\mingw\lib" directory.

Yup that's the problem. x64 windows has the 2 "program files" folders. You 2 have choices.
Modify the project to look for the libs in C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\ instead
Copy the MinGW to be in C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\ folder.

There is also junction linking if you have an NTFS drive. but you'd need a 3rd party tool(junction link magic) for that. I don't recommend it if you don't understand what this means.
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Before I posted my build problem I did a quick scan to try to find where the libs were being referenced but didn't have any luck. Could you point me in the correct direction so I can change the place they are being looked for to the (x86) directory?
DasFool said:
Before I posted my build problem I did a quick scan to try to find where the libs were being referenced but didn't have any luck. Could you point me in the correct direction so I can change the place they are being looked for to the (x86) directory?
I THINK adjusting the values in: Project -> build options... -> and then the linker settings tab in win release and win debug, should fix it. Don't shoot me if it does not :)

Edit: You may also want to have a look at: Settings -> compiler and debugger and check out the settings there
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I made the changes listed above and it made it further this time. Now it's complaining about not finding "SDL_image.dll." My guess is even though I'm building this on a windows machine, I need to download the W32 runtime files(SDL etc) to get it to work. I'll report back in a bit.

*Edit: yup, i put the runtimes into the "built" directory and it worked just fine. Now to update to the newest framework...

*Edit2: almost freaked out there again after getting some errors, but I thought, well maybe "Penjin Base Code" needs to be updated too. That fixed it :)
DasFool said:
That fixed it :)
Fabulous! Please update the wiki with your experience so as maybe to save the next person from a little pain! :)
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DasFool said:
I made the changes listed above and it made it further this time. Now it's complaining about not finding "SDL_image.dll." My guess is even though I'm building this on a windows machine, I need to download the W32 runtime files(SDL etc) to get it to work. I'll report back in a bit.

*Edit: yup, i put the runtimes into the "built" directory and it worked just fine. Now to update to the newest framework...

*Edit2: almost freaked out there again after getting some errors, but I thought, well maybe "Penjin Base Code" needs to be updated too. That fixed it :)
Glad you got it working, but you shouldn't have to move the dlls to the built folder... I'm trying to see where the settings is, but Code::Blocks is supposed run the program as though the dlls are in the built folder...

Well no worries, as long as it's working for you.
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PokeParadox said:
Glad you got it working, but you shouldn't have to move the dlls to the built folder...
I figured the libs that I added to the mix would have kept me from adding dlls manually, but like you said, it's not a big deal. At least I can get to coding now.
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Looks better and better. :)
Will each game have various difficult settings? So for example in the next round it's getting harder and harder or you choose the overall difficulty before the game(s) start. Or have the games only one start setting/difficulty? (Wario Ware had various options how to play the games)

Which input methods onto the Pandora will be supportet at release? Buttons/D-Pad, analog nubs too, Touchscreen?
fusion_power said:
Looks better and better. :)
Will each game have various difficult settings? So for example in the next round it's getting harder and harder or you choose the overall difficulty before the game(s) start. Or have the games only one start setting/difficulty? (Wario Ware had various options how to play the games)

Which input methods onto the Pandora will be supportet at release? Buttons/D-Pad, analog nubs too, Touchscreen?
Most games increase in difficulty when you reach higher levels. Pong and puchwrestler get faster, distractedmaths has larger equations, joust gets more birds and less time, for jumper im looking into more difficult levels and more tiles moving. So things definately get tougher as you go on.

And most games use the digital pad, doublenubtrouble ofcourse the nubs. Touchscreen would not really be usefull for any of the games currently in PandoraPanic, but that can easily change if someone feels like making one ;)
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