GP2X Gp2x Code::blocks Pre-configuration Rc4

Please, add
<Add option="-DGP2X" />
as well into the template. (some gp2x sources use defs "WIN32" "GP2X")

and... shouldn't .EXE be changed to .GPE ? :
<Option output=".\built\Open2X_Template_r.exe" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="0" />
Yes, it should be a GPE not an EXE, it is pending on RC5.

The templates defines will stay as they are because it is supposed to be used for a new projects. Developers with existing projects can change the defines themselves either in the code or the project settings. There will always be a problem with #defines as it can be anything in various source codes.
i mean to add both defines:

well, ok. it doesn't matter for me. just got a tiny bug due to the defines 8)
Please, don't rush with RC5,
just release a small patch or so. it would help people with expensive traffic ^_-

PS what about any free OnenGL libs?