Pandora Mascot


You cannot blame Linux for people using the Tux logo stupidly.

The official "Linux" logo is really, really boring, without Tux Linux would have no visual recognizably. I think the Linux developers made a very good decision to adopt Tux as their mascot. It really has played a part in Linux's success, as silly as that seems.
I'm not blaming the Linux people for the inappropriate use of the Linux mascot by the Linux community. However it is folly to not consider the overuse of Tux when considering further mascots. "Those who do not learn from history...." The Pandora is a Linux-based machine and in a way already falls under the 'brand Identity' of Tux the Penguin already. If you look at various Linux distros, none of them have had their logo/mascots take on the life that Tux has, even SUSE's chameleon hasn't become the loveable plush icon that Tux has.

A successful mascot, even moreso for a gaming machine than an OS, that mascot should really come from a popular game title. It's not just a mascot at that point, it's "Proof of Content" as well.
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How about a red panda?



Last picture is really big, I didn't want to be obnoxious so I just linked it.

I think it looks pretty cool also it works for the whole Pandaora idea.
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Do we want just one? :D (I keed, I keed)

I'll probably put stickers all over my game bag. Panda, red panda, scary nightmare panda, Tux, game characters...

Red pandas and pandas are so friggen cute.

Most modern consoles don't really have mascots anymore, they just become recognizable by the favorite game's main character (Master Chief, Snake, Mii's, Marcus Fenix, Sly Cooper, Kratos, Jax, etc, etc).

Plus, not everyone is going to agree on just one, and some will always relate a Pandora to a panda, seeing as a lot of people are shortening the name to that.
'Heroine' is the correct spelling for 'Female Hero'

Heroin is an injected drug.

I know, Dauric. Hence the [joke] tag. I was being ironic.
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How about a red panda?


Last picture is really big, I didn't want to be obnoxious so I just linked it.

I think it looks pretty cool also it works for the whole Pandaora idea.

guess you didn't read this thread... firefox is a redpanda, not a fox and their logo use one... see previous pages for the link on the information from mozilla...
Oh sorry just read through now oops :P, I was posting from work so I just sent a reply. Sorry again.
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Last picture is really big, I didn't want to be obnoxious so I just linked it.

I think it looks pretty cool also it works for the whole Pandaora idea.

guess you didn't read this thread... firefox is a redpanda, not a fox and their logo use one... see previous pages for the link on the information from mozilla...
Oh sorry just read through now oops :P , I was posting from work so I just sent a reply. Sorry again.

what's preventing us from using a red panda?
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Except that there is a very popular open-sourced web browser that uses a red panda as its logo. (But not its mascot. It's mascot is a fire breathing mutant dinosaur.)

It's just a bit awkward is all.
Except that there is a very popular open-sourced web browser that uses a red panda as its logo. (But not its mascot. It's mascot is a fire breathing mutant dinosaur.)

It's just a bit awkward is all.

well, that's a web browser and this is an unoffcial mascot.
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Surprisingly enough some kind of armadillo sounds pretty awesome as a mascot.
that original for me is the best one
I have created this if he can it like


considering that the majority of the consule has an which encoded key
this could be a slogan:
"no key this way"