The listing on ebay also doesn't say what's wrong with them - the joysticks are broken or from the weaker group of nubs, right?
I want one so bad but cant really justify purchasing this when I'll be (hopefully) getting one in about 3-4 months from the second batch. I guess I can wait a bit longer for this device straight from heaven...
iI'm typing this from my refurbished Pandora impulsively bought at about 4pm yesterday It feels really surreal after waiting for so long to suddenly have one! It feels brand new to me and so far everything seems perfect. Anyway must go, lots to do; I haven't even got my sd card prepped!
Bumping to say I personally got a response to this from ebay recently. The Pandora itself should not have been flagged as a piracy device, but listings which "encourage" piracy will be removed. Encouraging piracy is ill defined, but I'll wager that it includes mentioning emulators and roms at all.