What's with the anti-GBA elitism?


Apr 28, 2003
I keep seeing threads that basically insinuate that GBA owners are stupid because they own a handheld that is easy to use, unlike the Gamepark 32 which takes time and technical knowledge to set up.

Why, then, are there so many "Help, I did something wrong and I don't know what!! Help me make my GP32 work!!" threads floating around these boards? Aren't you supposed to be so smart for owning a GP32?

Owning a simple device does not make one a simpleton. Perhaps the majority of people, and yes people smarter than you, have not heard of our obscure Korean handheld yet. As such, they own the only well known, viable handheld out right now, the GBA. And your *astounding* ability to set up your GP32 and use it does not make you the genius that you think it does.
Actually i cant recall anyone saying that GBA users are stupid. It might have to do with the fact that alot of GP32 owners actually own a GBA..........................................

What i do recall seeing is people commenting on how the GBA is a more simple plug and play device (which is a fact) as apposed to the GP32 which requires more technical knowledge of setting up drivers and having to install software in order to use the majority of the features the device is capable of (such as playing user made programs)


I dont remember many people flaming GBA owners actually. More flaming the GBA itself, or nintendo. I dont whinge about GBA owners, or about the GBA itself. I don't actually care.

I like my GP32, but if others don't and want to go for a handheld with expensive, licensed games, being throttled by the licensing rules of it's parent company, then so be it :D

A lot of people who develop for the GP32 develop for the GBA, I don't recall anyone saying the GBA is bad, in fact the two systems are aimed at differrent target markets, the GBA definetely has better new games, the GP32 has better software, and emulation.
I notice that when someone does flame the GBA a load of people jump in saying they indeed have both units and both have their - and + sides.

One thing I have noticed is that when threads like this are created it fuels the debate even more - wasting everyones time and bandwidth. :D
yeh but fun!

anyway i've never flamed a GBA owner for being stupid, i've flamed ninty and the GBA but never owners...if someone wants a GBA good for them, its what keeps handheld gaming alive albeit in a crappy form :)
my only problem with the GBA is lack of support in Australia. Most places don't stock the titles I want, so I haven't bought a game in like...a year.

Still, I have an SP, so it's not like I'm anti-GBA or anything...everyone has their own preference, but I don't think anyone here is stupid enough to say they're absolutely against one console or machine. Only poor people who can't afford both do that to justify their expense :)
Rambozo, if you'll check your owner's manual on page 13, it reads, "all console owners must ridicule all other console owners." We're just following orders, man. :)

In all seriousness, I don't think anyone here has commented directly on the intelligence of GBA owners -- and if they have, they're not too bright themselves. I think the point that's been made in the forums is that the Gameboy is a simpler machine to operate than the GP32. Five minutes after purchasing a GBA, you can be playing a game. As pointed out in the forums, getting your GP32 up and running can sometimes be a trying experience. Setup times of an hour, two, or even a day is not uncommon. So I think the two consoles have a different "target audience". People wanting ease of use, high compatiblity and the newest games should purchase a GBA. The GP32 is definitely targeted to people who like to tinker, who have patience, and like retro gaming.

Stupidity transcends all consoles. Even a cursory search of this forum reveals we have plenty of morons right here in GP32 land ourself.
As no-one has said it yet... All GBA owners are stupid - And I'm stupid... So what does that make me? :)

Seriously - I don't see the point of slagging off "the other side" - What is the point?

It get's a little bit annoying when you are browsing a forum for the "X" console or handheld, only to come across some stupid little turd with his/her "But the Y and Z are better" or "My X is better than those Y's and Z's!"... They really need to stop talking those pills and come down from the clouds.

It's a known fact that you'll always have some people who think one thing is better than the other - Especially if they don't own the "other" thing(s)... But everything has it's + and - points.


+ Lots of manufacturers.
+ Meaning lots of quality games.
+ Peripherals and build quality

- Mono sound
- Poorly lit screen (Talking about the SP here - But at least it's better than no light at all!)
- No "home-brew" development... And I'm talking about anything other than using a Linker here! (It's not official/legit/etc...)


+ Excellent lit screen, and higher resolution.
+ Stereo sound - Although not noticable in most games
+ Emulators / Movies

- Build quality - Come off it, it's cheap ('nuff said!)
- Severe lack of backing, so not many games
- Software setup, etc!

All in all, they come out to about the same for both. One is better than the other, which is better than the first! :huh:

Anyway - PDA's rule! They're better than anything else.......... Look, I read a lot, okay? :P

Speaking about slagging of Nintendo - I'm off now to post my views on how they still haven't made a decent game on the Cube to link up to the GBA! *sniff*... And why they haven't got many backers... Heck, the cube is more powerful then the PS2, but it's really dropping behind in the Console race - I really feel for Nintendo - Looks to be another N64 in the making! :(

If everyone is worrying about elitism now, just wait until Sony bring out THEIR hand-held... Then the muck will really start to fly! Oh how I do NOT wait for that day to come! :blink:
Im pretty sure that people that know of GP32 and own a GBA don't want one because it's either too expensive or don't want a computer, but a video game system. I feel that video game systems should be based on one thing, playing video games, not listenin to mp3s or watching movies. Luckily the gp32 is at the line since it mixes gaming, and the use of additional functions pretty well.

This is the reason why upcoming "systems" that have too many functions are gonna fail miserably like tje N-Gage.
Why, then, are there so many "Help, I did something wrong and I don't know what!! Help me make my GP32 work!!" threads floating around these boards? Aren't you supposed to be so smart for owning a GP32?
Haven't you checked GBAX yet? You now have to fill out an IQ test and score > 100 before you're allowed a GP32.

In short: nobody said that.
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I've owned a gba since the first day of its release in the UK. Its not bad but its got far to many issues. It could have been amazing. Its biggest fault is its screen resilution. It could have easliy been a lot better, But i think that ninteno knew that what ever they brought out as long as it said Gameboy on it it would be a big hit..... Guess what they where right.
But I think that Sony new handheald might just see the fall of the gameboy.
I know from a good source that it is causing Ninteno some Concerns..
people dont buy gba because its easy to use. they buy it because its the best handheld that they know about. i havent found 1 person where i live that even knows they exist, i once argued with a person on what was more powerfull...he didnt even know the specs of his own handheld, but he still said it was "far more powerfull than gp32"
'he didnt even know the specs of his own handheld, but he still said it was "far more powerfull than gp32" '

I hope you asked him what kind of drugs he's on, or if he's from an alternate universe where GBA doesn't have a 16 MHZ processor and a measly 512KB of ram...
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i dont know. people are stupid. hes the one who told me his 300mhz ps2 was more powerfull than my 1.2ghz computer. i dont know.
Nobody mention GTA3!!! No - Not you... Zip it... Yeeesss...... You at the back there! ;)

Sufficed to say - "Everything" is better than everything else in it's own way!
GBA rocks in its own way. I love my GBA but i could do without it. but my gp32 i wouldnt last a day without infones and castaway. GBA is certainly a great handheld but gp32 has more to offer. gp32 allows amatuer programmers and such a chance to test their skills on a powerful handheld. in short both systemds kick ass but gp32 is better. Theres no need for console wars....just...no need. and GTA wasnt that great i came to that. It is WAAAAAAY overhyped
gta3 is good, not as great as everyone says, just good. gtavc is just bad, downright sucks. it is better on pc though.