Pandora apps still searchable

If you cannot reach every author, but the source is available, you can pm me those apps and i can see what I can do about recompiling/repackaging them.
Worked through the list - if I could not find an entry in the new repo, I left a comment in the "new repo url" field. Would be good if someone else gave it a second look, to filter mistakes or to contribute.

the attachment is now a ssv (semicolon seperated value - file => stupid excel) renamed as txt.



Okay, I made a simple redirect from to

I wanted to add subfolders as well, so that if you go to the old page of an app, you will be redirected to the correct one on the repo.

Would easily work, however, used the PND-Name as ID and the repo uses the ID as ID :/

You can find all apps, that have not yet been uploaded to the repo here:

I've attached a list (basically the repocomparison list from before, just a bit more cleaned up for our purpose) to this thread, sorted by author.

Again, it's a CSV, so simply rename it :)

Is there anyone who would volunteer to try to contact the devs and ask them to reupload their port on the repo (or allow someone to reupload it?)

If they don't have the PND anymore, they can find it in above mentioned directory.



Same could be done for the Archive, there are some pnd's that are not in the repo and not in the appstore. I would like to see one general source of PND's instead of a wide spread of download places where each contains different programs. I know it's not easy but maybe there is a solution too.
Yeah, right.

The Archive will be merged with the website, so taking care about the PNDs there would make sense.

I will create a list with download links of the PNDs so that_gui can analyze them :)
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You can nuke the gngb.pnd on I never released it to the appstore and have a more recent version if anyone is interested.

I also did not post basilisk_ii.pnd to the appstore but it works so I guess you can repost that if you like.


Okay, will remove gngb.pnd.

Can you upload the new version as well as Basilisk II yourself?

Then it would be associated with the correct account :)
Hey!, Whoa! there are still some great apps there that are unavailable in the repo. I can mention Ioquake off the top of my head.
Yeah, right.

The Archive will be merged with the website, so taking care about the PNDs there would make sense.

I will create a list with download links of the PNDs so that_gui can analyze them :)
But we still need a place for certain pnds like the community code pack or non pnd downloads like the minimenu skins
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Why shouldn't the codec pack go on the repo?   I always found it kind of strange that it hadn't been uploaded there to be honest.  After all, it still has to be downloaded and installed by the user's choice regardless of where it is made available.

As for the non-PND content,  perhaps if ED can get the attachment system working a basic file archive page be made in the IP Boards content system?

- Neelix
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Ah, right... does anyone know the mod_rewrite rules for throwing everthing away and always going to ?
Just not using the substring cut out from the original URL should work... So, in the VirtualHost for,

RewriteRule /(.*) [R]
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Why shouldn't the codec pack go on the repo?
Always thought to avoid licensing issues
As for the non-PND content,  perhaps if ED can get the attachment system working a basic file archive page be made in the IP Boards content system?
or just some space on one of EDs web servers wie links in the wiki?
Why shouldn't the codec pack go on the repo?
Always thought to avoid licensing issues

Hrm.. perhaps, though again, I would have thought that the same issues would have applied to making it available through the web site to begin with. Perhaps someone with a better understanding of the licensing issues involved in this case could comment further?

As for the non-PND content,  perhaps if ED can get the attachment system working a basic file archive page be made in the IP Boards content system?
or just some space on one of EDs web servers wie links in the wiki?
That could work as a way to dump existing content from the archive, but we currently don't have an equivalent to the file archive for non-PND content, so I think that using a system that allows the community to add content as required seems like a good way to proceed.

- Neelix

Didn't work... maybe because of the cgi-bin (which triggers perl)?

Okay, as no one offered to contact the authors, I take it I shall contact them?

Will do right away.

Attached is the CSV of the PNDs on the filearchive.

Some PNDs are zipped or RARed.

thatgui, could you please use your script to grab and compare those PNDs with the ones we have on the repo and ripped from apps.* as well?

Thanks :)
Didn't work... maybe because of the cgi-bin (which triggers perl)?
Hm, yeah... ScriptAlias comes from mod_alias, and Rewrite from mod_rewrite - I currently have no idea which one takes precedence.

But you could try using RedirectMatch to similar effect (which is a mod_alias function, and there the docs explicitly say that redirects are processed first):

RedirectMatch (.*)$
Attached is the CSV of the PNDs on the filearchive.

Some PNDs are zipped or RARed.

thatgui, could you please use your script to grab and compare those PNDs with the ones we have on the repo and ripped from apps.* as well?
Do you mean the file attached to this post ?

As for the non-PND content,  perhaps if ED can get the attachment system working a basic file archive page be made in the IP Boards content system?
is this a feasible solution for "non pnd content" and pnds that can't be put in the repo ?
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