Painting Homebrew For Pandora


Now with antialiasing and pressure-sensitive transparency...
B-ZaR said:
Nice! Also I kinda liked the first color picker :) Is the brush size easily changeable?
First color picker is stayin' in ('cause I like it too :P ), it's a config option, you can switch between available color pickers. Haven't written the 2nd color picker yet, midterms snuck up on me :P

brush size is just a config var right now, you can enable/disable whether the brush size is affected by pressure. same with the transparency. basically there's a max_brush_size
and if pressure sensitivity is enabled the brush ranges the size from 0 to max_brush_size. I'll put in a min_brush_size too so you can have the brush range from, say 16 - 32 based on pressure, or something like that, if you want.

There's no UI for changing the brush size, I'll add that in when I write the second color picker. Have to refactor the code a bit first, it's a bit nasty right now. I'll do this next week probably (spring break.)

Transparency isn't exactly right yet though. the beginning / end of the brushes don't look right. (I know why this is happening, I just have to fix it.)

-fix transparency
-new colorpicker
-brush UI
-saving/loading files
-importing Colors! files
-zooming (will probably just be 2x, 4x, etc. unless a lot of people need intermediate zooms also... pixel doubling is way easier than actually scaling everything :P )
-make eyedropper use Bitmap
-have a nice fade-in/out text that says "eyedropper" or "brush" or "colorpicker" etc. so you know which mode you're in (eg. it's hard to tell you're in eyedropper mode 'cause there's no UI message about it currently.)
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Just wanted to drop in and say how excellent this is looking. :D I had great fun using Colours! on the DS (although I was never as good an artist as the ones you see on their gallery :lol: ), and I'm sure I'll have just as much fun with this, too.

Actually, speaking of the Colours! gallery, is it a bit premature to wonder whether a thread in that vein will pop up here? :lol:
my goal is to make my app cross-compatible with the Colors! files (note there will probably have to be a Colors compatibility mode if you're starting a new painting, because their paintings were a specific size) so if someone wants to host a site then we can definitely have Pandora drawing stuff on there too. The Java applet they use on their gallery is open source so I can modify it to play my files, if someone wants to do the hosting. We'll talk about that once we have our Pandoras and the app is finished :) I'll make a separate thread once it's actually in people's hands where you guys can discuss features you want, etc.
Lunatic said:
I'm hoping that Inkscape will run, and is able to use the pressure sensitivity of the touch screen.
Yeah; Xara Xtreme for Linux (open source; winblows version is proprietary) will be nice too!
I played with both at Slax; nice & easy!
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Anyone know where I can host PNG's for free embedding in other pages?
I've tried Photobucket and Google Web Albums and I can't get either to accept anything besides jpeg's.
PNGs work fine with Photobucket, it's all I use. :blink: I notice that the uploader won't see images if the file extensions are capitalised, though.
Prometheus said:
PNGs work fine with Photobucket, it's all I use. :blink: I notice that the uploader won't see images if the file extensions are capitalised, though.
Oh thanks Prometheus, I'll try again. I've been avoiding posting screenshots so I didn't rape my bandwidth since my server is pay-per-MB.

@PokeParadox, thanks :)
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PokeParadox said:
Great looking app!

i feel it will be the best app for the pandora hehe
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