kingoddball said:
Don't let it scare you. I still understand virtually NOTHING in the electronics world, but I keep at it.
If you get stuck on anything, just ask me and I'm sure I can help.
Also, once I get the Arduino GUI to compile (IF I CAN!) I will also include all of my codes in the examples, as the basic ones do not include some of the cooler things you will find and harder things like modified motorshield.
I ordered just about everything I have online. In Australia the only three options I have are Tandy, DSE, JayCar(good for resistors). All 3 SUCK! Absolute rip offs! Best Site for parts!
I recommend going to somewhere like and ordering an RBBB or BBB (custom made arduino) and soldering them together. Reason 1: They're not hard, they're not simple. it's a great start. Many components available too.
(google this) little bird electronics have good parts for sale, I got my 'duino from there.
As usual eBay has a huge selection and many parts = cheap.
Parallax (I think it is, they make the Spin Stamp and stuff) is where I got the Ping))) (the eyes of the brain) from.
Tools: Needle Nose Pliers, Sodering Iron (Small Tip), Wires. Ebay have a GREAT kit, all wires have a metal end(look at the black end of wires in photos), and they slot into anything (breadboards etc). Carton cutting blade (Stanley Knife) aswell..
mini breadboards are not cheap, but they are EXCELLENT!
I took a look at the sources you mentioned; I'm thinking the BBB kit is probably right for me, although I'm somewhat tempted to just get ahold of something like Little Bird's Arduino starter kit...

I hadn't realized breadboards were sold in such small sizes, but is there really a large advantage to using these small ones over the standard sizes?
As for tools, I'm looking at Adafruit's Adjustable 30W 110V iron; I don't know much about the fine details of electronics tools and which are best, but it seems like it will suffice, and for $20, it's worth a try. I may as well pick up their soldering iron stand and a couple other items from their stock while I'm at it. I have a solder gun kicking around which still works, but it's heavy with a thick tip to it, making any precision work quite awkward.
I'll keep an eye open for those parts you mention on Ebay. I've never really done much through the site, so it'll be interesting to see what comes up. Thanks very much for all the info and encouragement; I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions to ask once I get the stuff together and start attempting some projects!
In fact, I have one already, come to think of it! I'm under the imrpession that, given the right programming setup and interface on a given PC, I can control the Arduino completely via its USB connector. Is this correct? Or is the USB connector mainly just to program the PIC? Please pardon my ignorance if this is a stupid question; I'm still very new to the Arduino scene!