p-hex, a pandora controlled hexapod


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2009
thought i'd let people know i'm working on a pandora controlled robot, currently have the basic frame built, waiting on a usb adapter(which better damn work XD) and some other things to do before it can be called working by a long shot, head over to my blag to see a pretty picture:

wow that is a very nice robot! very cool! what can your robot do? :)

goodluck waiting for the usb adaptor! ^_^
:D doesn't do anything yet, just looks pretty on the shelf, though I'm planning on pretty much turning the Pandora into a pet, including self charging etc, depends how tedious the coding gets
:D doesn't do anything yet, just looks pretty on the shelf, though I'm planning on pretty much turning the Pandora into a pet, including self charging etc, depends how tedious the coding gets

well best of luck to you! hope to see a video of your robot in the future! ;)
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hence why it's being done :D

though i didn't expect 50 odd hits to my blog in a few hours XD guess i better deliver now
is it bad that i read that as "50 odd hits to my bong"? the first time i went through it?
just a note to say there's more activity, check teh blog for a juicy video :D

just solved the usb latency crap, don't know if it's going to affect operations in the long run, but it seems responsive enough for now, see what happens with the fancy physics etc
:D looks a lot sexier now things arent dangling out of it all over the place, i'd say p-hex v1 is ready for proper programming, there's no space for the pandora inside the body though, i'll have to make some kind of mounting on the top (along with running the pandora off the main robot batteries (once i sort somethign out for that) to save on the weight, and hence have more allowance for big batteries)
just another update, there's a new shiny picture on the blog (see first post of course)

and something that might be of interest is the 360 controller support, made a beta testing/semi-release thread here:

still doesn't actually move apart from some servo tests, but now it's at a point where i can control it remotely and get into the coding part of things
i love it, i want one! you must start mass production ASAP or at least in Two Months™