A Teaser For You Retro Fanatics .. Text Adventures Ftw!

Nice work! I ported Magnetic to Windows CE back in the mists of time, and to see you running a Magnetic Scrolls game fair warms the cockles of my heart. (Especially as I'm in Helsinki today and it's bloody freezing!)

Congratulations :)
Can an Adrift interpreter be made? That way we'd have access to another large community! I'm not sure if it's open source, though.
skeezix said:
If any of you have been following me since the old Palm OS days (Palm, Tapwave) you may remember Kronos for Palm OS; this is a from ground rewrite of course, for Pandora (that will run also on Windows, Linux, OSX, etc). I've got a lot to go yet (add the picture-frame for games with artwork, add some onscreen controls so you can tap on word suggestions), add cheats and note taking (auto-mapper and such); but just thought I'd like to show -- text adventures are coming soon for the first real mobile game device that can support them (has a keyboard :)

Maybe I'm the only text adventure nutbar around, but I just have to keep The Pawn and Zork handy (and people are still creating new adventures all the time, no joke.) This app of mine includes interpreters (written byh others) for Infocom/Zmachine (Zork etc), Magnetic Scrolls, and Scott Adams games.

Anyone interested in following news on this, or does no one care?
You rock! I've actually been using my Zipit Z2 to play old Scott Adams games that I remember from my Apple ][+... and a while back I was doing the same on my Zaurus. I'm glad someone's working on taking advantage of the UI space on the Pandora for this purpose... At 320x240 on the Zipit, nothing more than Frotz seems possible, but the full querty keypad makes it possible to have fun. :-)
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Text adventures are something that I missed as a kid, but insead got into gamebooks heavy. I can wait to try out the lone wolf game books that are online via a browser and hopefull some software support that I heard is being ported.

I think I would like to play text games, but the number of avaible input options always put me off. I would rather there be a list avaible at each junction that one could simply select. If there are some of thoses, I'll give it a try.

very cool though-look forward to cheking it out
Lovely skeezix,

I used to play loads of text adventures when i was a lot younger,
Mainly on the Speccy and SAM Coupé, From covertapes stuck to the front
of Crash, Sinclair User and Your Sinclair.

I don`t think i ever completed any of them, But i really did enjoy
Bulbo and the Lizard, The Hobbit, The Famous Five, The Boggit and
numerous other ones i can`t think of at the moment.

I`m going to love this, Especially if the keyboard is as good as
i`ve heard it is.

Thanks skeezix. :)

Aaaaaooooooooh, right, totally forgot that Gargoyle ever existed.

Daaaamn, I should just port that to Pandora and call it a day; its even got subpixel rendering and such. Well, maybe I'll take a look tomorrow, and see if it woops my tools ass already or not :)

skeezix said:
Comike -- what you're talking about is something we call a "web browser" ;)

Or a dedicated book reader (or pdf reader), for which there are many for Linux already. (I've often thought of writing a book reader, but there doesn't seem much point.)


You must not read e-books. Web browsers suck for book reading. I like y-book for windows, but I wish it had a dictionary ability.
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I'm excited, I've only played one text adventure before (bit before my time unfortunately) but I really enjoyed it and I'm glad you're working on it, Jeff! It'll be cool to revisit some classic graphical adventure games I've never played too.
And here I thought I was the only one super jazzed about playing Zork on the Pandora's keyboard.
Tensuke said:
Portable Zork! Portable Zork! Portable Zork!

Kroz Elbatrop! Kroz Elbatrop! Kroz Elbatrop!

Oh wait, there's a game series named Kroz too! And here's the source code in Turbo Pascal, compilable with Free Pascal (aka FPC or FPK) after some minor tweaks...


There's also the source code of:

Beyond the Titanic
Word Whiz (the previously modified source is from this game)

Sadly, Apogee/3drealms guys weren't able to find all source code of their old games... :(

(yes, I found a blatant excuse to writing this in the forum :D )
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I also am an text adventure nut.. I love the old text adventures like Pirate Adventure, HHGTTG, Zork and others...
I played my first adventure game on my Dad's Commodore Pet 4032.

haha this thread inspired me to find a original copy of bureaucracy


oops I was mistaken that a copy of about €10 could be found
Tensuke said:
Portable Zork! Portable Zork! Portable Zork!
I also like Zork. I've ported it on n810. I guess no problem to port it to OP.
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This is so cool; though not totally unexpected! Over a year ago, I was posting on the GP2X To--ents forums(DEAD,sadly)(seems like so long ago) that I was extreemly excited to play txt adventures on the Pandora. I had even assembled and upped "The Infocom Omnibus"; an exhaustive compilation with game and interpreter files,high res pics of all the in box pack-ins,scans of Boxes/Manuals/Documentation/Maps/Invisiclues-solutions/walkthroughs/pdfs of the New Zork Times/Statusline etc.,etc in preparation for the Pandoras release in 2 months*TM. Time to dig out those files and update them, now that you've picked up the gauntlet Skeezix! Good Stuff! :)
atomicthumbs said:
Cool! I remember playing some Magnetic Scrolls games on my old Jornada 720. :D
Someone actually used MagnetiCE? I COULD HUG YOU :D
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