Lose the camera. It takes quite the commitment to find a cell phone without a camera on it, and not many people will buy a pandora without a cell phone.
Why? The Camera is a nice idea. Hell, i say, go a step farther, and integrade a GPS/Edge/3g whatever in it.
Lose the GPS. You can get a bluetooth GPS receiver for $30.
And carry another piece of equipment around? I rather see a device that has it all build in, then that you need to carry 3 devices with you.
Here's some experience from a PDA owner's standpoint:
1. BT GPS is all nice and well, but, in your car that thing tends to fly from left to right.
2. BT GPS needs a battery, aka, forgot to charge your BT GPS, and your out of luck
3. BT GPS needs cables. If you did not charge it in advance, start with stringing those cable from your lighter charget to your GPS, PDA, etc.. all nice and well

4. When you need your BT GPS, you don't have it with you! No offense, but its very easy to suddenly need to go to x location, and o look, the BT GPS is at home, in the charger. Same with the PDA. O well, back to paper maps. The theory is nice, but in reality, at best i for one carry only one device on me.
Accelerometer - Seriously now, if you have room to wield the pandora like the mighty wii remote, you probably have enough room to just bluetooth a wii remote to it. Also, you'd look like a fool. A fool having a great time, but a fool nonetheless.
Ok, a accelerometer is one thing thats more on the useless list... nice extra, but 9/10 change never going to be used a lot.
USB hub - At first i liked this idea, but the more I thought of it, the more I thought it silly. IF you're going to hook up four different devices, you need to invest in a laptop.
What if you want to use a keyboard / mouse... No, the answer is not always, get a BT mouse / keyboard. For that added cost of those, you can get a few small carry usb keyboard/laptop mouse + maybe the extension bar.
BT devices have the habit of being more expensive ( a lot more in my experience ) then any USB based counterparts.
It all depends on what the extention bar add's to the package. What is the weight going to be, the extra size, the usability... the price!
tazg's suggestion is also not all that bad, as a lower bay. Might as well add a extra battery in that one