arr matey?
Ok, i have not written a review yet, since i wanted to try it properly first. Here a short story featuring the pandora in a weekend at sea with my girl
Nice and early departure (well 11.30 am, its vacation after all ; ) , and a 3 hour journy by train. Both talking enthousiastically ofcourse, but after an hour in a train, it was time for the pandora, and she on her ds. Cavestory on Ginge was the game of choice (excellent game, everyone should try, at least till the village, then i was hooked)
on arrival, emptying bags, and setting up pandora corner. took about as long as finding a properly placed wall mains
basic setup, usb hub, mouse, mobile usb tethered, and some small portable speakers. So first of all some music on.
Since we had train tickets for free travel the whole day, we decided to go to amsterdam for dinner, and pandora nicely told us when the train was leaving and how late we needed to get back. I did not think it would be smartt for a tourist to take a nice gadget to Amsterdam, so she had to miss that.
On return, quick mail and msn check with pidgin
daytime: Beach, and evildragons pictue was still burned on my eyes, no way im taking it there.
Evening, quickly checked out nice restaurants, and some info on the next day
Late in the evening i was thinking about a game i used to play as a child on the atari st, figured out the name and downloaded it, Chainreaction. Very simple, but up to 6 human or cpu players turn based, and very addicting( And its the chainreaction from 1991 with the atom like gameplay, there seem to be 2 games named that way)Fired up Hatari ST and turned out playing it with/against my girl for over an hour on
But first to the races (DTM) never been at the circuit, was awesome. Checked the weather forecasts before we went to see what to pack, and viewed the movies and photos i made with my mobile afterwards, simple microsd to sd adapter and tadaa, easy viewing.
Now, late, im typing this review and uploaded a pictue of the setup i used. Only thing missing from the picture is my mobile on the loose cable on the bottom right since i needed that to take the picture (old but faithful HTC kaiser running windows mobile 6 with wmwifirouter, but built in option works as well). Map is there because the tabletop is of the shiny white type optical mouses do not like.
Tomorrow: home again, and some more cavestory in the train
I have a very early Pandora, screenbezel was growing in the beginning, but currently steady (i just oh so slightly loosened the bottom right screw since it seemed to release the tension on the stuff inside), my left nub was iffy but died completely yesterday, wont return to center so had to disable it. BUT it is still the dream device i imagined. It really just does everything once you got the hang of it, and the setup might look messy on the photo, but it hardly takes any luggage space.
Yes im one of those guys waiting to return it because its just too damn fun!!
Nice and early departure (well 11.30 am, its vacation after all ; ) , and a 3 hour journy by train. Both talking enthousiastically ofcourse, but after an hour in a train, it was time for the pandora, and she on her ds. Cavestory on Ginge was the game of choice (excellent game, everyone should try, at least till the village, then i was hooked)
on arrival, emptying bags, and setting up pandora corner. took about as long as finding a properly placed wall mains
Since we had train tickets for free travel the whole day, we decided to go to amsterdam for dinner, and pandora nicely told us when the train was leaving and how late we needed to get back. I did not think it would be smartt for a tourist to take a nice gadget to Amsterdam, so she had to miss that.
On return, quick mail and msn check with pidgin
daytime: Beach, and evildragons pictue was still burned on my eyes, no way im taking it there.
Evening, quickly checked out nice restaurants, and some info on the next day
Late in the evening i was thinking about a game i used to play as a child on the atari st, figured out the name and downloaded it, Chainreaction. Very simple, but up to 6 human or cpu players turn based, and very addicting( And its the chainreaction from 1991 with the atom like gameplay, there seem to be 2 games named that way)Fired up Hatari ST and turned out playing it with/against my girl for over an hour on
But first to the races (DTM) never been at the circuit, was awesome. Checked the weather forecasts before we went to see what to pack, and viewed the movies and photos i made with my mobile afterwards, simple microsd to sd adapter and tadaa, easy viewing.
Now, late, im typing this review and uploaded a pictue of the setup i used. Only thing missing from the picture is my mobile on the loose cable on the bottom right since i needed that to take the picture (old but faithful HTC kaiser running windows mobile 6 with wmwifirouter, but built in option works as well). Map is there because the tabletop is of the shiny white type optical mouses do not like.
Tomorrow: home again, and some more cavestory in the train
I have a very early Pandora, screenbezel was growing in the beginning, but currently steady (i just oh so slightly loosened the bottom right screw since it seemed to release the tension on the stuff inside), my left nub was iffy but died completely yesterday, wont return to center so had to disable it. BUT it is still the dream device i imagined. It really just does everything once you got the hang of it, and the setup might look messy on the photo, but it hardly takes any luggage space.
Yes im one of those guys waiting to return it because its just too damn fun!!