Our New Machine, Pandora

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God Ginrai said:
Hey Eolair, do you think you could try making a design of the RetroGrade with the two bottom right buttons above the right stick?

-God Ginrai

You mean like this? I assume it's because you want the buttons grouped together. But is it comfortable having the analogue sticks that low though? You'll probably be using those extra four buttons least of all controls. So why give them placement priority? I'm no gamepad expert, just curious :)

Edit: Or like this... :blink:
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Alex. said:
Please make it black/dark gray. White is too distracting and flashy. That should be the screen's job, not the case's :P

Imagine how great the F200 GP2X would have looked black :)
It should be white or NES gray. Or come in different colours.
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Alex. said:
Please make it black/dark gray. White is too distracting and flashy. That should be the screen's job, not the case's :P
Imagine how great the F200 GP2X would have looked black :)
Actually white would be easier on the eyes. The contrast between the light from the LCD and a black frame is bad for your eyes. That's why most monitors are grey or silver. To reduce eye strain. Black monitors are just popular because they look "flashy" :P ;)
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Eolair said:

I imagine that when DaveC sees this, he's sure to think you're conspiring against vertcal play ;)

Can you guys see the new pic I put up with the triggers? it showed up fine where I posted it but now I'm home it's just a crappy preview.
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I think the option of including bluetooth should be well considered, before throwing out. Personally I'm not too sure I would use bluetooth all that much (maybe for web browsing through phone, or VOIP with bluetooth headset) but many others would. Look at all the media the iPod touch got, because it didn't include bluetooth (but had wifi); and then all the articles when it seemed like it was just disabled, and then all the articles when it was finally put to rest that there was no bluetooth.

Lastly, the microphone IMO is pretty much a must. They're dirt cheap nowadays, and they're pretty much included in everything, even in £15 mp3 players. This is one feature where a lot of potential can be gained for negligible price difference.
Alright Xcode! that's great thanks for spreading the idea B) if the buttons end up more comfortable by staggering them, then surely we should lose symmetry over function? good point.

A mic.. is there any chance of using it in a similar way to DS brain training, as in talking to it with voice recognition? I have no idea what that takes. Would be cool though for certain things.
zaffercharles said:
Alright Xcode! that's great thanks for spreading the idea B) if the buttons end up more comfortable by staggering them, then surely we should lose symmetry over function? good point.

A mic.. is there any chance of using it in a similar way to DS brain training, as in talking to it with voice recognition? I have no idea what that takes. Would be cool though for certain things.

In theory. There are Linux apps that recognize voice input and many of the things Microsoft has had implemented since Win95(nope, they haven't changed or improved a bloody thing since 1996, it's the same system in WinXP as in Microsoft Bob) was free information and tech released from AT&T labs(yup, they actually had a lab full of smart people working for the greater good when they weren't a horribly corrupt monopolistic telco)
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zaffercharles, another thing regarding the bottom triggers... You have a straight flat wall that would probably not feel too comfortable, remember that the middle fingers go there and that they are longer :)... need a little more space, if the wall is slightly curved, better B)
realyst said:
In theory. There are Linux apps that recognize voice input and many of the things Microsoft has had implemented since Win95
well if it's cheap, it would be good to add. If it ends up impossible perhaps there is an option to have a program that stores a list of functions, activated by custom sounds eg "off", "video" , "mame" or whatever, recorded by the user . . . or is that how it works anyway? :blink:

Last post for now, just wanted to say yes looking at my pics there needs to either be slightly longer triggers, smoothed battery unit sides or both. By the way if anyone either here or in the spanish forum want to take up this idea and run with it please feel free. I'm an average drawer but when it becomes technical I start to falter.
Please could you either pm me in a few days or share the general feelings from over there about this in here later X?
I'll keep thinking on it, but aside from tweaking the pics they're not going to get a hell of a lot better or more accurate from me unless I get 3D sorted out again :)
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zaffercharles said:
well if it's cheap, it would be good to add. If it ends up impossible perhaps there is an option to have a program that stores a list of functions, activated by custom sounds eg "off", "video" , "mame" or whatever, recorded by the user . . . or is that how it works anyway? :blink:
I can see it now... "Off. Off. Off. I said OFF. Dangit, turn OFF! OFF OFF OFF!" ;)
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javaJake said:
zaffercharles said:
well if it's cheap, it would be good to add. If it ends up impossible perhaps there is an option to have a program that stores a list of functions, activated by custom sounds eg "off", "video" , "mame" or whatever, recorded by the user . . . or is that how it works anyway? :blink:
I can see it now... "Off. Off. Off. I said OFF. Dangit, turn OFF! OFF OFF OFF!" ;)

*insert obligatory "BLUE! BLUE! I SAID BLUE!! DAMMIT, BRUE!!!"
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Squidge said:
Fishbong said:
Bluetoorh is not a must have, but would be great if you want to surf the net on the go using a cellphone.
Bluetooth USB sticks are cheap :)

Yes, i already have two, but it´d only be an option if i could plug them directly into the device.

Also yeah, there are lots of places with WiFi, but mostly you have to pay, and with the ever - decreasing prices for mobile internet it´s cheaper and more reliable to use your phone.
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Fishbong said:
Squidge said:
Fishbong said:
Bluetoorh is not a must have, but would be great if you want to surf the net on the go using a cellphone.
Bluetooth USB sticks are cheap :)

Yes, i already have two, but it´d only be an option if i could plug them directly into the device.

Also yeah, there are lots of places with WiFi, but mostly you have to pay, and with the ever - decreasing prices for mobile internet it´s cheaper and more reliable to use your phone.

<- Canadian

We have 500% higher mobile data rates then Rwanda thanks to our gov't encouraged monopolies.
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Alright so rumble is out of the picture and so is an FM transmitter, I am slightly saddened by the FM not being in but I really didn't expect it. Now I have hope for three things up in the air: Bluetooth, microphone, IR. It seems like the microphone and IR would be dirt cheap and they probably wouldn't take up much room so I don't see why they would go in but I could definitely accept bluetooth as an addon. Voice recognition would be great especially for homemade programs like in text entry. Also, I would love to have a program that allows me to make this thing into a universal remote and that can learn the IR signals by receiving them and then replicating them. I could do this with my Zire 72 but sadly it can't be done with the PSP and I have to download premade sets of IR signals.
Hmmm...it does seem like Bluetooth could be a worthy addon, but I think it should depend on how much it would cost.

How difficult would it be to get a USB Bluetooth adapter to work anyways?

Also, what would be the point of IR?
quadomatic said:
Also, what would be the point of IR?
So we can use our devices as a universal remote as I said in the previous post. It would be great if we had bluetooth also because then we could control IR and bluetooth devices. Some universal remotes cost hundreds of dollars but I'm sure none of them can emulate PS1 :).
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IR is only ever used by anyone for one application, and it's kinda silly seeing as how TVs/DVD players/etc actually do come with remotes that are probably better suited for them than some handheld is.
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