Really lovely game, but im not sure the music matches the gameplay. Try lowering the volume on some of the sounds in relation to others. It seemed like sort of a detective game sound or something.
Translating to Norwegian atm ← Edit: done I did use some norwegian ØÆÅ letters. Some hyphens, no retroflex.
Took out a whitespace and made an italian string highercase when it wasnt supposed to be lowercase.
Thoughts: The translation uses chain 2
X but explains the game as blocks 2
also, this cant be right: (got my template from that post on page 1)
"--:help goal line 2
en:- Squares of 2*2 stones of the same color explode
de:- Quadrate von 2*2 gleichfarbigen Steinen explodieren
it:- Quadrati di mattoni 2*2 dello stesso colore esplodono
<<<<<<< HEAD
nl:- Vierkanten van 2x2 stenen in dezelfde kleur ontploffen
nl:- Vierkanten van 2x2 gelijkkleurige stenen ontploffen" again?
Would it not make sense to call a "stone stone"
volcanic stone, possibly
sedimentary stone. "Stone stone" doesn't sound right.
Why not GPLv3 instead of v2? Muh freedoms