Well-Known Member
I recieved this reply upon an inquiry about which OS the XGP/XGPMini would use from GamePark:
So I propose these two polls. I personally suggested Linux due to interoperability of the machine with GP2X and PC software, and a more open platform to develop for. I also suggested the possibility of an RF TV tuner for the US market (I'm unsure what European nations use as their broadcast standard, but I would find a TV tuner invaluable here in the states, as I have no real dedicated TV to speak of and rarely get time to chill in front of a TV. Pulling out an XGP and watching the news from bed in the AM would be very nice..
I personally wouldn't have much use for GPS, though. Generally I know where I am and don't get lost that easily .. at least not so lost that I can't just ask directions. I also advised that there is GPS software available for Linux, of course.
Thank you for contacting GAMEPARK Inc.
With current version of XGP/XGPmini (current specification), XGP/XGPmini will use Linux as their OS. WinCE might be used for XGP with GPS function. XGP will have DMB function which enables the user to watch TV with it. However DMB isn’t universal protocol of digital broadcasting. Some countries like Korea and Germany use DMB and other counties use DVB or MediaFLO. We feel that it is unfair to charge full $300 (approximate price of XGP) to the people in the countries where there is no DMB service available for them to enjoy the DMB feature of XGP. So we thought that the price of $300 will make more sense to those people if XGP had GPS function instead of DMB. Whether we will substitute DMB with GPS function isn’t decided yet. If we decide to add GPS function, the XGP with GPS might use WinCE as its OS. If not, XGP will use Linux as its OS.
So I propose these two polls. I personally suggested Linux due to interoperability of the machine with GP2X and PC software, and a more open platform to develop for. I also suggested the possibility of an RF TV tuner for the US market (I'm unsure what European nations use as their broadcast standard, but I would find a TV tuner invaluable here in the states, as I have no real dedicated TV to speak of and rarely get time to chill in front of a TV. Pulling out an XGP and watching the news from bed in the AM would be very nice..
I personally wouldn't have much use for GPS, though. Generally I know where I am and don't get lost that easily .. at least not so lost that I can't just ask directions. I also advised that there is GPS software available for Linux, of course.