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Jun 1, 2007
Visit site
On the site it says you can download the video of the devboard in action. There are three options 640by480, 720p and *Full HD* 1080i. I thought true full HD is 1080p since it produces a much smoother image than 1080i since 1080p is progressive scan.
I don't know, but do you really care :P
all you need to do is read those as: Normal size, Bigger size and OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW BIG IS IS size :P
1080p is fairly new. A lot of TVs can't support it. It wasn't so long ago that 1080i was the highest you could go. And not so long before that, 720p was as high as you could go. Labeling something and then expecting that label to stick with changing technology is a fools errand. Just because a new format comes out won't make the older "full HD" suddenly better. If his camera only supports 1080i, and lists that as "full HD", then who are we to argue?
And 1080i on a progressive display screen can be just as good as 1080p is. It only really makes a difference when the display is actually interlaced, or so I've found.
I love how topics like this keep springing up as this community of geeks can't sit still. Though the rez of the vids doesn't make a damn difference to the Pandora project, if you want to make a topic about it. look up 1440p. Then again, by the time the Pandora is released, my statement may be outdated.
WizardStan said:
1080p is fairly new. A lot of TVs can't support it. It wasn't so long ago that 1080i was the highest you could go. And not so long before that, 720p was as high as you could go.

Actually, 1080i came first.
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1080i has 1920x1080 with 50/60 fields (thats 25/30 frames) per second.
1080p has 1920x1080 with 25/30 frames per second.

Resolution is the same, so basically the difference is the recording: 1080i records two pictures with 1920x540 (which makes 1920x1080) in the same time 1080p records one picture with 1920x1080.

Scrolling looks way smoother interlaced (all old TVs use interlaced, that's why consoles had such smooth scrolling) while progressive doesn't smear as much as interlaced.
Basically, it's up to you what you like better.
I like interlaced for gaming and TV news while I like progressive for movies (as cinemas have always been progressive... it looks weird if you see a movie interlaced :))
General talk [Pandora]
"General discussion about Pandora console."

What a waste of space honestly, how does this add ANYTHING to the community. If you were being serious why did you post it here? If your question is about how you define Full HD then this belongs in Off topic discussion or suggestions.
The original question has been answered several times over. Topic closed before it degenerates any further.
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