Openpandora Blog Update

morgushong said:
the most obvious change is that there are 12 keys on the bottom row instead of the 11 the render has.
The render shows the space key taking two, er, key spaces.
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one thing no one seems to have mentioned (as far as differences)
looks like RS-232 moved from right side of board to left and became surface-mount instead of through-hole.
think I'll see about throwing together a highlighted image...

EDIT: image!

So, we have (features that looked interesting to me only, if you want the individual components labeled I think I heard something about design files coming with the pandoras, don't quote me on that though...):
a right shoulder button
b Pandora label and revision number
c USB OTG port
d NEW! ext port
e USB host port
f power jack
g LCD ribbon cable terminator
h left shoulder button
i second right shoulder button pads
j wireless/bluetooth chip
l some kind of converter between OMAP and LCD?
m Super Secret power and performance management chip for OMAP
n "backlight" pads, or "aux LED" might have been a better name
o second left shoulder pad buttons
p NEW! mysterious new pads! could be either new location for RS-232 or battery terminals
q mystery chip, not new
r volume knob
s JTAG breakout
t SD card ports
u headphone jack
v NEW! changed location for power switch

if you have any other thoughts I'll try to keep up and update this post, or feel free to make a better image (shouldn't be hard :P )
You can take the question marks off of D and F. Those two are correct. V is definitely the power switch and P is most likely the battery terminals. It looks as though there will be an actual connector attached to the board for the battery wires, instead of just pins.

RS232 is now available through the EXT connector, but those four small pads just above the large round cutout in the lower right may also be internal RS232 contacts
notaz said:
m is a place for super secret NDA protected OMAP3 companion chip.
Interesting.Some of the details include;
  • High Speed USB2.0 On-The-Go transceiver

Anybody know what this does or is used for? I know what a transceiver is, I'm just not sure what this achieves.

  • LED drivers
  • Vibrator drivers
Best not go there...
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Hi, I have been lurking long enough on this board, now it's time to add something of my own. Just to complete Grusos pic:

Slightly bigger version

I have also noticed that another small IC (previously U5) is seemingly missing on the new PCB. It has been on the left side of the OMAP, together with two other ICs that are still there.
TaG said:
  • High Speed USB2.0 On-The-Go transceiver
Anybody know what this does or is used for? I know what a transceiver is, I'm just not sure what this achieves.
It's the interface between the USB PHY and EHCI ? The only problem is that there's only one EHCI, and thats connected to the USB HOST, so that one will be connected to a OHCI (12Mbps)
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Am I the only one who found the "secret" pic of the new boards? It seems there are actually 3 pics of the board, not just the 2 shown. The "secret" one is located at , while the ones shown in the blog are at , and .

The only difference between the secret one, and /final_board_1.jpg that I can tell is that the background is different, and the board is slightly zoomed out. :P
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Squidge said:
TaG said:
  • High Speed USB2.0 On-The-Go transceiver
Anybody know what this does or is used for? I know what a transceiver is, I'm just not sure what this achieves.
It's the interface between the USB PHY and EHCI ? The only problem is that there's only one EHCI, and thats connected to the USB HOST, so that one will be connected to a OHCI (12Mbps)

I was under the impression that the USB OTG controller is separate to the USB Host controller and that the OTG can handle all three speeds, whereas the Host is limited to either the EHCI or the OHCI.
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hmmm that companion chip seems to have a little feature that jumped out at me


Hot Die Detection/Thermal Shutdown protection

Why would this OMAP companion chip have this feature if it is said that the OMAP will produce little to no heat even overclocked?

Is this IC also built for PwrMan in other systems that have the potential of overheating and will therefore just be an unused feature? Or will Pandora actually need to make use of this?
Soulkiller said:
hmmm that companion chip seems to have a little feature that jumped out at me


Hot Die Detection/Thermal Shutdown protection
Why would this OMAP companion chip have this feature if it is said that the OMAP will produce little to no heat even overclocked?

Is this IC also built for PwrMan in other systems that have the potential of overheating and will therefore just be an unused feature? Or will Pandora actually need to make use of this?

Well, even if the Pandora doesn't *produce* a lot of heat it could still find itself in a position where ambient heat combined with heat from CPU/GPU pushes it above the danger threshold. Say you start compiling gentoo from stage1, then leave it on the dashboard of your car. in the summer. in Arizona. And remember, black case = lots of heat absorption. Anyways it's one of those features you get for free. Theoretically it might not be hooked up to anything in the Pandora, but I bet it will be. Better safe than sorry and all that.

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Soulkiller said:
hmmm that companion chip seems to have a little feature that jumped out at me


Hot Die Detection/Thermal Shutdown protection
Why would this OMAP companion chip have this feature if it is said that the OMAP will produce little to no heat even overclocked?

Is this IC also built for PwrMan in other systems that have the potential of overheating and will therefore just be an unused feature? Or will Pandora actually need to make use of this?

Heat is also produced when charging, so that might be the main purpose. Prevent overheating when charging.
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paeryn said:
I was under the impression that the USB OTG controller is separate to the USB Host controller and that the OTG can handle all three speeds, whereas the Host is limited to either the EHCI or the OHCI.

It may well be. I don't claim to know everything as I've not read the datasheet that closely.
Soulkiller said:
Why would this OMAP companion chip have this feature if it is said that the OMAP will produce little to no heat even overclocked?
Faults can cause a chip to heat up past there recommended temperatures. Eg. If an IO line encounters a conflict, it most likely will cause heat build up. Also, if some other fault gives the omap too much voltage, that too could cause heat build up. Then you could also have a hot day and a charging battery.

However, under Normal Circumstances, that feature shouldn't need to be used.
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