one thing no one seems to have mentioned (as far as differences)
looks like RS-232 moved from right side of board to left and became surface-mount instead of through-hole.
think I'll see about throwing together a highlighted image...
EDIT: image!
So, we have (features that looked interesting to me only, if you want the individual components labeled I think I heard something about design files coming with the pandoras, don't quote me on that though...):
a right shoulder button
b Pandora label and revision number
c USB OTG port
d NEW! ext port
e USB host port
f power jack
g LCD ribbon cable terminator
h left shoulder button
i second right shoulder button pads
j wireless/bluetooth chip
l some kind of converter between OMAP and LCD?
m Super Secret power and performance management chip for OMAP
n "backlight" pads, or "aux LED" might have been a better name
o second left shoulder pad buttons
p NEW! mysterious new pads! could be either new location for RS-232 or battery terminals
q mystery chip, not new
r volume knob
s JTAG breakout
t SD card ports
u headphone jack
v NEW! changed location for power switch
if you have any other thoughts I'll try to keep up and update this post, or feel free to make a better image (shouldn't be hard