Serial Porter
Here is Duck Marines, a modern remake of ChuChu Rocket.
Fast action for this puzzle games...
The keymap is:
With Keyboard:
DPad to move
Space for Action
Space+DPad to place an arrow
ABXY to place an arrow
With Mouse
Move to move
Click for Action
Click+Move to place an arrow
This game use Löve 0.9.1 and use glshim.
History log
Build 02

The keymap is:
With Keyboard:
DPad to move
Space for Action
Space+DPad to place an arrow
ABXY to place an arrow
With Mouse
Move to move
Click for Action
Click+Move to place an arrow
This game use Löve 0.9.1 and use glshim.
History log
Build 02
- Compatible with Firmware SZ 1.62+
- Initial build
- Fullscreen by default.
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