Release Delver's Choice


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Delver's Choice, a fast-paced Dungeon Crawler.

This is a small game, created by Vittorio Romeo for a game competion (author of Open Hexagon).
The game is quickly played, with only the 1-4 keys (maybe it's a good candidate for C4A?*edit*, C4A Enhanced since build 03).
Note: this game use SFML2 (with glshim), and getting it fullscreen was a be tricky. It still not centered but I will leave it like that.
History log
build 03

  • Added (A) (X) (Y) (B ) buttons for 1 2 3 4 choice
  • C4A  Enhanced (use Official game)
build 02

  • Repackaged to make it compatible with all SGX drivers
build 01

  • Initial build
  • Forced fullscreen (screen not centered)
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lol, that sounds like a nice little time waster, I can't wait to test that out. and I suspect it would effectively be a fun c4a game assuming you can find a relevant metric...
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Hmm... I can't get it to run.  Upon lanching the game, it shows several transparent windows.  Also the .out file is unsually large.  It's in MB and not KB!  Here's a partial .out file since it is too big to copy and paste it here using my Pandora.

LIBGL: Initialising glshim

[0;31;49m[1;31;49m[Test]                                [0;39;49mAll [0;39;49m[0;39;49m[1;39;49m[1;94;49m2u[0;39;49m[0;39;49m tests passed!

[0;39;49mWSEGL_InitialiseDisplay: DRI2OpenConnection failed

WSEGL_InitialiseDisplay: DRI2OpenConnection failed

WSEGL_InitialiseDisplay: DRI2OpenConnection failed

Failed to create texture, its internal size is too high (128x256, maximum is 1x1)

Failed to create texture, its internal size is too high (32x32, maximum is 1x1)

Failed to create texture, its internal size is too high (256x256, maximum is 1x1)

Failed to create texture, its internal size is too high (128x256, maximum is 1x1)

Failed to create texture, its internal size is too high (128x256, maximum is 1x1)

Failed to create texture, its internal size is too high (16x16, maximum is 1x1)

Failed to create texture, its internal size is too high (16x16, maximum is 1x1)

libGL: built on May  8 2015 22:16:34

LIBGL: Current folder is:/mnt/utmp/delverschoice

libGL egl backend:

Unable to initialize EGL display.

ERROR: EGL Error detected: EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED (0x3001)

libGL backend:
Hmm... I can't get it to run.  Upon lanching the game, it shows several transparent windows.  Also the .out file is unsually large.  It's in MB and not KB!  Here's a partial .out file since it is too big to copy and paste it here using my Pandora.

LIBGL: Initialising glshim

[0;31;49m[1;31;49m[Test]                                [0;39;49mAll [0;39;49m[0;39;49m[1;39;49m[1;94;49m2u[0;39;49m[0;39;49m tests passed!

[0;39;49mWSEGL_InitialiseDisplay: DRI2OpenConnection failed

WSEGL_InitialiseDisplay: DRI2OpenConnection failed

WSEGL_InitialiseDisplay: DRI2OpenConnection failed

Failed to create texture, its internal size is too high (128x256, maximum is 1x1)

Failed to create texture, its internal size is too high (32x32, maximum is 1x1)

Failed to create texture, its internal size is too high (256x256, maximum is 1x1)

Failed to create texture, its internal size is too high (128x256, maximum is 1x1)

Failed to create texture, its internal size is too high (128x256, maximum is 1x1)

Failed to create texture, its internal size is too high (16x16, maximum is 1x1)

Failed to create texture, its internal size is too high (16x16, maximum is 1x1)

libGL: built on May  8 2015 22:16:34

LIBGL: Current folder is:/mnt/utmp/delverschoice

libGL egl backend:

Unable to initialize EGL display.

ERROR: EGL Error detected: EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED (0x3001)

libGL backend:
Ah yes, I think I forgot to make it compatible with newer SGX driver (I assume you are using version 4.10).

I'll update the package tonight (SFML used to not like the FB mode of glshim, but it should be ok now).
Ah!  So that's what it means.  Switched to SGX4.02 and works find.  This is a fast game and the use of 1,2,3,4 buttons on the Pandora is cumbersome.  Would be nice it these are mapped to ABXY, but then you have to change all the ingame messesages to ABXY.   Never played this kind of game before, so it's a little weird but fun :)
Ah!  So that's what it means.  Switched to SGX4.02 and works find.  This is a fast game and the use of 1,2,3,4 buttons on the Pandora is cumbersome.  Would be nice it these are mapped to ABXY, but then you have to change all the ingame messesages to ABXY.   Never played this kind of game before, so it's a little weird but fun :)
I thought about that, switching to ABXY, but not sure it will work (1=A, 2=X, 3=Y and 4=B I guess). Maybe I'll try.
Thanks!  Sorry for the dumb question but how do you quit the game the right way (not kill it with long press of Pandora button)?
damn, the official mode is so hard... It would be a great c4a compo game :)

just a question regarding the beginner mode, is there an end? or a limitation? It's starts getting quite boring now with over 270k hp 60k atk and 25k def I don't need to take a look at enemy  it's been ages since one was able to deal any kind of damage...
damn, the official mode is so hard... It would be a great c4a compo game :)

just a question regarding the beginner mode, is there an end? or a limitation? It's starts getting quite boring now with over 270k hp 60k atk and 25k def I don't need to take a look at enemy  it's been ages since one was able to deal any kind of damage...
There is no end. It's an "infinite crawler" ;) . Beginner mode is just to learn the basic mecanics, the real game is the "official" one. I will probably work on a c4a release + ABXY control scheme for a next release. 
New release on the repo.
Now the Pandora buttons can be used instead of 1...4 (but the number keys are still useable).
build 03

  • Added (A) (X) (Y) (B ) buttons for 1 2 3 4 choice
  • C4A  Enhanced (use Official game)
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well, my pandora is down so I'll need to wait to test this... I hope I won't miss a compo :)
Cool idea for a game, thanks for the port!

I just tried practice mode and ran into enemies with more def than my attack. With the other paths blocked there was nothing to do: "Player can't fight unnamed". How do I quit at that point, am I missing something?